Перспективы развития чат-ботов для бизнеса на примере компании МТС

Анисимов Антон Вячеславович
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Цель: описание бизнес-модели и разработка MVP для чат-бота MTS Live сервиса


1. Провести обзор теоретических аспектов, связанных с чат-ботами, а также обзор рынка и общих случаев использования.
2. Описать текущую стадию развития МТС, их основные стратегические цели, а также имеющуюся экосистему.
3. Выбрать один из сервисов МТС для разработки MVP чат-бота.
4. Описать бизнес-модель чат-бота выбранного сервиса.
5. Создать и описать MVP выбранного чат-бота.


1. Описание основ теории чат-ботов, обзор рынка.
2. Описание МТС, их стратегии и экоситемы.
3. Выбор сервиса MTS Live для разработки MVP чат-бота.
4. Описание бизнес-модели чат-бота выбранного сервиса.
5. Разработка и описание MTS Live Telegram bot MVP.

Technological development is gaining more and more momentum in recent years. Especially in the mobile world where the number of users increasing with this progress, and people are getting used to being permanently online and in the access zone, due to their mobile devices. Now they can’t imagine themselves using online services without fast and user-friendly customer experience, and they’re expecting, that more and more companies will follow that path. In response to the customer’s wants and needs, businesses have to implement cutting-edge technologies to justify customer’s expectations, improve their experience and engagement. It is important for the business since better customer experience definitely makes their clients more satisfied with being in touch with the business and, thus, more loyal. One of the ways to deliver expected user experience is by implementing chatbots in the company’s ecosystems and services. Chatbots suggest ways of solving the issues by providing the customers with a comfortable, quick, and always accessible customer experience.
This work may be considered as a consulting project for MTS company. The initial task was to conduct a research dedicated to the ways of relieving customer pains by using the chatbots. But after conducting the first research and negotiating with MTS, it was decided and agreed to slightly change the focus of the work. The main reason for this was learning company’s working areas, identification of their main strategic priorities and a strong will to conduct a work, the results of which will be useful for the company and may be implemented in the future. Currently, as a main business goal, MTS has development of their own ecosystem with a huge amount of services that correspond with basic customer’s needs in a variety of industries. That is why it was decided to choose a creation of a business model and MVP of a chatbot for a particular and existing MTS service as the main topic. To make the achievement of this goal real, it was also necessary to state the objectives:
• Undertake an overview of chatbot theoretical basics and a market research of chatbot’s general use cases.
• Describe current development stage of MTS, their main strategic goals and their ecosystem.
• Choose an existing MTS service for a chatbot implementation.
• Design a business model of a chatbot of a chosen service and describe its main features.
• Create and describe an MVP of a chosen bot.

From the above it follows that the subject of the work is chatbot business implementation and the object of the work is creation of an MVP of a chatbot. Structure and logic of the work meets the set goals and objectives. The work consists of three chapters.
The first chapter of this work consists of two paragraphs and is devoted both to theoretical and practical aspects of a chatbot. It analyzes and compares different definitions, describes basic operational principles of the bot, considers and compares two main approaches of chatbot development and proves the relevance of the topic in the first paragraph. In the second paragraph it is described how the bots can bring value to business and how it is possible to evaluate their success. Different business functions and industry examples are also provided in the second paragraph of the first chapter.
The second chapter of this work consists of three parts and is devoted to MTS. The first paragraph tells about current MTS scope of work and a brief history of the company. In the second paragraph the main strategic priorities of the company are described. The emphasis is put on the analysis and description of MTS current ecosystem, since it is the main priority of the company. Later, in the third paragraph of the second chapter several possible chatbot implementation directions are described and the one – MTS Live – is chosen for the future work.
The third chapter of this work consists of two parts and is devoted to MTS Live Chatbot proposals. In the first paragraph the business model of the bot is described by designing the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas using Strategyzer Cloud Service. The first paragraph ends with a description of main functions of the MTS Live chatbot. The second paragraph of the work describes the MVP of the bot. The MVP was created not for the whole bot described by the business model, but for the part of it, since the aim was to show an example of how such bot can be created. Thus, MVP was created on the base of Telegram API and consists of two main functions of the proposed chatbot. The process of MVP creation is described in the second paragraph of the third chapter.

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