Влияние различных типов инноваций на эффективность малых и средних предприятий гостиничной индустрии

Денисенко Андрей Александрович
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Целью исследования является изучение взаимосвязи между внедрением определенного типа инноваций (или сочетания нескольких типов) c изменениями показателей деятельности малых и средних гостиниц. Задачи исследования: определить связь между интенсивностью типов инноваций и изменениями в показателях деятельности гостиниц; сравнить влияние каждого типа инноваций на производительность гостиниц; определить, является ли фокус на одном типе инноваций более эффективным, чем внедрение нескольких типов инноваций. Выявлена положительная средне-слабая связь между интенсивностью инноваций и изменениями в показателях гостиницы. Установлено, что только определенные комбинации типов инноваций связаны с изменениями в показателях отеля, существенно отличающимися отелей с низкой инновационной активностью. Внедрение нескольких типов инноваций оказало более широкое влияние на показатели отеля по сравнению с внедрением одного типа инноваций.

Innovation is considered as a major source of competitive advantage of the company and economic growth of the region (Evangelista, 2000). However, the majority of studies are focused on innovations in the manufacturing sector and are having difficulties in applying its theories to service industries due to their particularities. Specifically, the particularity of the hotel industry is intangible and experiential nature of its products and services. Hospitality and tourism is one of the world’s largest service industries with a global direct and indirect economic contribution of almost 7.6 trillion USD (10.2% of global GDP) (World Travel and Tourism Council, 2017) in 2016; however, there are few studies devoted to hotel innovation compared to other sectors.
Traditionally, innovation has being studied regarding the manufacturing industries. At the same time, service industries, specifically a hospitality industry, have certain attributes that distinguish them from manufacturing, such as:
• intangibility of the product or services,
• simultaneous production of services by a company and consumption by a customer,
• short shelf life of the product,
• no possibility for testing the product or services.
Paget et al. (2010) observe that tourism innovation was increasingly becoming a topic of research and has noted that tourism innovation research is unusual, scattered and fragmented. He also stated that measuring innovation and even defining it is still a challenge for a hospitality industry
Many authors agree that innovation is a critical source of competitive advantage and one of the most significant factors of a firm’s performance (Bogliacino et al., 2013).
Purpose of the study
The importance of innovation not only for SMEs but businesses of all sizes has been pointed out as crucial for profit, growth, and survivability of the firm by many researchers and the ability to innovate has been called a “secret sauce” of business success (Christensen, 2008)

The research subject is the innovation activity of small and medium-sized hotels and its impact on firm performance. The main goal of the research is to investigate the relationship between the implementation of single innovation type or a combination of multiple innovation types and changes in performance of small and medium-sized hotels.
To achieve this goal data from 151 hotel managers or hotel owners was collected and analyzed to:
• Determine the association between the intensity of innovation types and changes in hotel performance;
• Compare the effect of each innovation type on hotel performance;
• Determine if the focus on a single innovation type is more effective rather than the implementation of multiple innovation types;
Following research questions were formulated:
• Do different types of innovation associated with changes in hotel performance?
• Is there a difference in changes in performance of hotels that implement different innovation types or their combinations?
The quantitative research method was applied to answer the research questions. Primary data was collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire to evaluate the rates of innovation activity of a particular type of innovation; to assess changes in hotel performance over the period of 3 years.
A correlation analysis followed by a series of tests were performed to determine statistically significant differences in changes in performance between groups of hotels that are focused on the implementation of different innovation types.
Research results demonstrate a weak but positive association between the intensity of the implementation of each innovation type and changes in hotel performance. Changes in performance of hotels not actively engaged in innovation activities were compared to changes in performance of hotels that implemented different combinations of innovation types. Focus on the implementation of the following innovation types found to have significantly more positive changes in hotel performance:
• Product, marketing and managerial innovations;
• Process and marketing innovations;
• Product innovation;
• Marketing innovation;
• Product, process, marketing and managerial innovations.
Structure of the study
This paper consists of 3 chapters. The first chapter describes particularities of the hospitality sector, importance and impact of innovation for small and medium-sized hotels, current state of the research on innovation for the hotel industry, identifies research gaps. The second chapter describes the methodology required to answer research questions stated in chapter one. The third chapter includes analysis of data, research results and their interpretation. Conclusion states limitations of the paper and suggestions for future research, theoretical and practical implications of the master thesis.
This paper contributes to the research on innovation in the field of hospitality, provides hotel managers and hotel owners of small and medium-sized hotels with information on the effectiveness of particular innovation types, determines two combinations of innovation types that found to be associated with changes in hotel performance that are statistically more positive compared to other innovation types.

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