Влияние различных стилей лидерства на инновационную активность сотрудников

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Целью данной статьи является выяснение взаимосвязи между тремя стилями лидерства (лидерство в трансформации, лидерство в сделках и лидерство в невмешательстве) и инновационным поведением сотрудников, а также в том, играют ли посреднические роли между психологическими полномочиями и организационным климатом.
Создав модель отношений и проведя анкетный опрос в китайской коммуникационной компании, автор обнаружил, что только трансформационное и транзакционное лидерство оказывают существенное положительное влияние на инновационное поведение сотрудников.
Психологические возможности и организационный климат как промежуточные переменные могут как влиять на инновационное поведение сотрудников, так и так далее. Результаты исследования показывают, что корпоративные лидеры должны не только трансформироваться в трансформационных лидеров, но и создавать психологический опыт и хорошую организационную атмосферу для сотрудников, улучшая тем самым их инновационное поведение.

Introduction 9
1.1 Research Background 9
1.2 Research Gap, Research Questions and Significance 12
Chapter 1. Factors influencing the employee innovation behaviour 15
1.1 Leadership Theory 15
2.2 Theory of Innovation 21
2.3 The Mechanism of the Influence of Leadership style on Employee Innovation Behavior 22
2.4 The Results and Shortcomings of Previous Research 29
Chapter2. Research Structure 30
2.1 Research Model 30
2.2 Research Tools 31
Chapter 3. Model validation 32
3.1 Research Procedure 32
3.2 Data Analysis 34
3.3 Reliability Analysis 36
3.4 Validity Analysis 38
3.5 Regression Analysis 39
Chapter 4. Data interpretation and discussion 56
4.1 Test of Research Hypothesis 56
4.2 Analysis of the Influence of Different Leadership Styles on Employee Innovation Behavior 57
4.3 Analysis of the Intermediary Role of Psychological Empowerment and Organizational Climate 59
Chapter 5. Conclusions and implications 60
5.1 Conclusions 60
5.2 Theoretical and Practical Significance 61
5.3 Limitations and Recommendations for Further Research 63
References 64
Appendix. Questionnaire in English Language 78

The era of the knowledge economy has been developed widely around the world. If companies want to occupy a place in the domestic and international markets, they must continue to come up with new ideas and thought. And innovation is a panacea for companies to maintain their sustainable competitiveness. Innovation is critical to sustaining business competitiveness and improving productivity. It is also the foundation of the economic growth. Indeed, some research have pointed out the significance of innovation as well as its influences on the success of companies, some researchers have also identified that support and encouragement from top managers are vital factors of promoting innovation (Amabile et al., 2004; Jung et al., 2008; Yindong & Xinxin, 2013; Javed et al., 2017). The leadership behavior and style of managers directly affect the work performance of subordinates, as well as make a variety of positive or negative impacts on the performance of teams, departments, as well as organizations.(Muchiri, Michael & Mcmurray, Adela & Nkhoma, Mathews & Pham, Hiep, 2020). The development of creative ideas which leaders of an organization put forward could be helpful to innovative services and products (Yuan & Woodman, 2010) and it may gain the competitive advantage over others.
A large number of international studies have shown that leadership style is a very important factor for the success of contemporary enterprises, especially organizational teams, and it also makes influences on how they cope with change and development. (Bos-Nehles, A, Bondarouk, T & Nijenhuis, K, 2017). Leadership has an impact on the self-growth, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover tendency of organizational employees, so it’s important for corporate employees. Generally, leadership is not only the focus of researchers, but also the issue which management practitioners pay most attention to.
The innovation performance of an organization comes from the innovation behavior of employees.( Mumford, MD & Licuanan, B, 2004). The special survey report on the growth and development of Chinese enterprise managers in 2018 pointed out that lacking innovative talents is the first factor that hinders the technological innovation of enterprises, so the creation of incentives for employees to become innovative is the key to improve the organizational innovation. Employee innovation is closely related to the innovation atmosphere of the company and the leadership behavior as well as the leadership style of the company’s management (Sheehan, M, 2016). How to make employees loyal to the company? How to make them willing to contribute their wisdom and strength to the enterprise? And how to improve the performance of individual employees and organizations? Every enterprise manager needs to think about the questions above. In addition, more and more scholars no matter from which country are beginning to pay attention to these questions. Most of the previous researches focused on the dimension of organizational innovation, but the research targeting employee innovation is still in the initial stage of development.
In the beginning of the book from James Burns said that “One of the most universal cravings of our time is a hunger for compelling and creative leadership.” Since 1980s, the study of these leadership styles has been proposed by Burns (1978) and Bass (1985). And since the concepts of leadership styles were put forward and expounded systematically, they have been regarded as a major breakthrough in leadership theory research and a hot topic in leadership theory research.
Bass (1999) pointed out that the mechanism of transformational leadership to work attitude of employees is one of the future research directions, which means, the influence mechanism and process of transformational leadership on leadership behavior and employee’s work attitude. Vandenberghe (2002) further proposed an opinion on the basis of the theory of Bass that psychological empowerment is a very important mediating variable to explain the type of leadership mechanism.
A study by Jung (2001) found that in experimental scenarios, transformational leadership can inspire higher levels of creativity in subordinates. Transformational leadership has a positive impact on employee behavior.(Jaiswal, N. K., & Dhar, R. L.,2016) Although transactional leadership is not as effective as transformational leadership in many aspects, it can also make a difference by the effect of situational factors and the influence of leaders. (Xu Changjiang, Shi Kan, 2016)
With the realization of the globalization of information and industry, the business development and organizational structure of companies have become more and more complicated, management ranks have gradually increased as well. Leaders cannot make decisions by themselves, so it is important to use empowerment to manage the whole organization(Tvarijonavičius, M., & Bagdžiūnienė, D.,2014). George, E., and K.a., Z. (2018) assumed that empowerment is not only delegating the task to subordinate employees, but also transferring the rights required to that person in order to complete the task. Talking about the empowerment, it has certain principles(Men, L. R., 2011). The leader only delegates the decision-making rights of personnel selection, capital deployment, overall coordination, communication planning, etc. to the employee, but the necessary responsibilities must remain with him. Different ranks in an organization have different levels of authority, and authority flows between different levels (Baczynska, A., & Korzynski, P., 2017). Effective empowerment is an important management skill. If authorized properly, all participants can benefit from it. Therefore, empowerment is also considered to be the essence of the effectiveness of modern enterprises.
In the past, a large number of scholars have verified that empowerment is closely related to the personality, values, work pressure, organizational recognition, and innovation performance of employees as well (Ukil, M. I.,2016). Therefore, it is often used as an intermediate variable in the research of leadership styles and organizational results.. George, E., & K.a., Z. (2018) believed that the innovation performance of employees is affected by leadership behaviors and psychological empowerment. The innovation ability of employees directly affects the innovation vitality of an enterprise organization. So it is meaningful to discuss it in depth, and it is of practical significance to help enterprises improve their competitiveness. Employees’ innovative ideas are inseparable from a certain amount of material and human resource support, so they need more support and encouragement from the organization to create a good atmosphere of innovation. Many organizations definitely have innovative employees, but they may lose their employees and the corresponding innovative organizations because of the lack of an innovative atmosphere to accept innovative ideas which could encourage employees. An organization can achieve the purpose of becoming an innovative organization only if it creates a good climate that encourages innovation behavior, and continuously stimulates the employees’ willingness to innovate (Szczepańska-Woszczyna, K.,2015). Shanker, R., Bhanugopan, R., Heijden, B. I. V. D., & Farrell, M. (2017) also proved that organizational climate is also an important variable which could make influences on employees’ innovation behavior. Tao, Y. and Hong, Y. (2014) believed that innovation is formed in an organizational atmosphere, from which members in the organization recognize the need for innovation, the opportunities for innovation, and efforts to support innovation. The research on the theory of climate for innovation has practical significance for the innovation of enterprises. Therefore, research about the stimulation of organizational innovation on employee innovation performance has been paid more and more attention in the field of research no matter in China or in other countries. And It is also an important variable to stimulate the innovation performance of employees in this paper.
To sum up, the paper is based on such realistic and theoretical background, carrying on research about the relationship between leadership behavior styles such as transformational leadership, transactional leadership and employee innovation behavior, and in the same time, try to identify how psychological empowerment and organizational innovation which works as mediators play the role in the process.

1.2 Research Gap, Research Questions and Significance
1.2.1 Research Gap and Research Questions
The leader is the most important person in an enterprise, and it is also related to the core factors of the success of the enterprise.(PG Northouse, 2018). However, the rapid changes which is resulted by the increasingly globalization of the world economy today require newer and higher requirements for today’s leaders. What kind of leadership behavior can bring more benefits to enterprises is a question that the public and the theoretical community have been trying to explore. Talking about the transformational leadership style, transactional leadership style, and laissez-faire leadership style, most of the previous studies are focusing on a macro perspective, but there is less discussion on the relationship with the creativity of employees at the individual level. What kind of leadership can stimulate employees’ creativity and whether they need to rely on variables, the existing research involves less about these questions. But this type of research is related to the enterprise, and it is more realistic to the development of the organization.
Therefore, according to the background of the topic and the research motivation, this study mainly explores the following three questions:
1. Does the transformational leadership style, transactional leadership style, and laissez-faire leadership have impacts on employees’ innovation capabilities? That is, verifying which leadership style best inspires creativity of employees.
2. How do different leadership styles influence employees innovation behavior? Does it need to be achieved through the intermediary role of psychological empowerment and organizational ? If yes, how?
3. Whether different leadership styles influence psychological empowerment and organizational climate or not? If yes, how?

1.2.2 Research Gap and Significance
Each theory like leadership style, psychological empowerment, organizational climate and employee innovation behavior has some theoretical research results and empirical research results in the international academic circles, but there are relatively few research results on the relationship between these theories. And in terms of transformational leadership style, transactional leadership style, and laissez-faire leadership style, most of the previous studies are focus on a macro perspective, but there is less discussion about the relationship of leadership styles and the innovation behavior of employees at the individual level. What kind of leadership can stimulate employees’ innovation behavior and whether they need to rely on which variables? About these questions the existing research involves less, but this topic of research has some practical meanings.
Therefore, on the one hand, this study will carry out a detailed study targeting the relationship between these theories, and also try to figure out the mediating role and influence mechanism of psychological empowerment and organizational climate. On the other hand, by verifying these theories against the Chinese unique cultural background and current status of corporate development, it could be helpful eventually to see if these research results can be used to guide the development and growth of Chinese companies. And if the answer is yes, it is also promising for the application of Russian companies as well as enterprises in other countries. In general, the theoretical significance of this research is to conduct empirical verification of these leadership theories in China to enrich their theoretical development.
Regarding the research on employee innovation, researchers and practitioners mainly focus on the innovation performance and innovation results at the organizational level, and there is relatively little research on the individual level of employees. This paper will focus on the individual employee’s innovation behavior combining the organizational aspects, and the study of the mechanism of leadership style on it, hoping to enrich and improve the research results at the individual employee level.
The practical significance of this research is giving some suggestions to Chinese business leaders, especially the IT company where most R&D employees work, to help them choose appropriate leadership behaviors and leadership behavior styles in order to promote employee innovation. In the process of exercising leadership behaviors, how to use psychological empowerment and organizational climate to motivate employees and improve their autonomy, and finally improve their innovative behavior and organizational performance. In the training process of corporate leaders, we can also use the research results of this paper to train and improve the effectiveness of leadership.

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    Работы пишу, начиная с 2000 года. Огромный опыт и знания в области экономики. Закончил школу с золотой медалью. Два высших образования (техническое и экономическое). С... Читать все
    Работы пишу, начиная с 2000 года. Огромный опыт и знания в области экономики. Закончил школу с золотой медалью. Два высших образования (техническое и экономическое). Сейчас пишу диссертацию на соискание степени кандидата экономических наук.
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    Специализация: диссертации; дипломные и курсовые работы; научные статьи.
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    Высшее экономическое образование. Мои клиенты успешно защищают дипломы и диссертации в МГУ, ВШЭ, РАНХиГС, а также других топовых университетах России.
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    Закончила ГУУ с отличием "Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит". Выполнить разные работы: от рефератов до диссертаций. Также пишу доклады, делаю презентации, повышаю уникальности с нуля. Все работы оформляю в соответствии с ГОСТ.
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