Факторы, влияющие на реализацию цифровой трансформации в промышленных компаниях
Основной целью исследования является выявление факторов, влияющих на процесс цифровой трансформации (ЦТ) в промышленных компаниях.
Для достижения этой цели были выполнены следующие задачи:
• Изучить актуальные исследования в области цифровой трансформации производственных компаний для создания перечня факторов, влияющих на цифровую трансформацию
• Изучение специфики цифровой трансформации в российской промышленности
• Разработать структурную модель исследования факторов, влияющих на цифровую трансформацию промышленных компаний
• Собрать первичные данные и протестировать разработанные модели
• Разработать рекомендации для промышленных компаний для успешной цифровой трансформации
Достигнутые результаты:
• Разработана структурная модель цифровой трансформации в промышленных компаниях, состоящая из 8 латентных переменных: Инновационный толчок; Отношение цифровой трансформации и корпоративным изменениям; Конкуренция; Уровень ориентированности на потребителей; Корпоративные технологии; Состояние рынка; Стратегическое согласование бизнеса и информационных систем
• Были определены три фактора, оказывающие наибольшее влияние на ЦТ в промышленности: Простые и взаимосвязанные технологии, позитивное отношение к изменениям и ЦТ, стратегическое согласование бизнеса и информационных систем
• Разработаны практические рекомендации для промышленных компаний. Рекомендации включают в себя 4 области:
1) Переход от уникальных, несовместимых технологий к обобщенным и простым
2) Повышение взаимосвязанности корпоративных систем
3) Повышение позитивного восприятия цифровой трансформации и корпоративных изменений
4) Согласование бизнес стратегии и стратегии информационных систем
INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 CHAPTER 1. DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AND AFFECTING FACTORS ……………………..10
1.1. Definition of Digital Transformation and related concepts ……………………………………………10
1.2. Concept of Digital Transformation …………………………………………………………………………..11
1.3. Digital transformation in Russian manufacturing ………………………………………………………..16
1.4. Theories about factors affecting digital transformation ………………………………………………..19
1.4.1. Directions of future theoretical development………………………………………………………..23
1.5. Conclusion on chapter 1 …………………………………………………………………………………………24 CHAPTER 2. DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH MODEL …………………………………………………26
2.1. Development of research framework and research propositions …………………………………….26
2.1.1. Factors overview …………………………………………………………………………………………….26 2.1.2. Selection of factors ………………………………………………………………………………………….34 2.2. Proposition of research model………………………………………………………………………………….37 2.2.1. Structural Equation Modeling ……………………………………………………………………………37 2.2.2. Hypotheses and research model …………………………………………………………………………40 2.3. Research Design Development ………………………………………………………………………………..46 2.3.1. Choice of technique for DT and affecting factors assessment ………………………………….46 2.3.2. Questionnaire development and data collection…………………………………………………….50 2.4. Conclusion on chapter 2 …………………………………………………………………………………………54 CHAPTER 3. DATA ANALYSIS AND PRACTICAL RECCOMENDATIONS………………………56 3.1. Data analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..56 3.1.1. Sample…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..56 3.1.2. Exploratory Factor Analysis………………………………………………………………………………57 3.1.3. Research model and hypotheses testing (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) …………………..65 3.2. Discussion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..71
3.2.1. Model interpretation and practical implications…………………………………………………….71 6
3.2.2 Gazprom Neft experience………………………………………………………………………………77
3.2.3 Limitations and further research……………………………………………………………………..84
3.3 Conclusion on chapter 3………………………………………………………………………………………85 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………86 REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………88 APPENDICES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….91
Research subject: Digital Transformation in manufacturing companies
Research object: The research is focused on the Russian manufacturing companies and international manufacturing companies operating in Russia.
Research goal and objectives: the main goal of the research is to identify factors which affect the process of digital transformation in manufacturing companies. In order to achieve this goal several objectives were formulated:
• To study the most recent and relevant researches in the area of Digital Transformation of manufacturing companies for creation of a list of factors affecting digital transformation
• To study the specifics of Digital Transformation in Russian manufacturing industry
• To develop a structural research model of factors affecting Digital Transformation of
manufacturing companies
• To collect primary data and test formulated model
• To develop strategical recommendations for manufacturing companies for successful
Digital Transformation
Research questions: Entire research would answer three main research questions:
1. What factors affect DT of manufacturing companies?
2. What factors have highest impact on digital transformation of manufacturing companies?
3. What factors outside traditional theories also have an effect on DT of manufacturing
Research motivation, relevance and value: digital solutions become more and more firmly embedded in everyday corporate practice: mobile apps, online shopping, big data analytics, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence etc. Data collection, monitoring, automation and optimization of all possible processes are constantly performed, which, in turn, requires more and more intelligent systems, the development of which is significantly simplified by improved algorithms, powerful computers, and cloud storage.Never before has the world been so closely connected and so digitized as it is today. Digitalization is believed to be the most meaningful technological trend, which affects not only business but society as a whole [Parviainen P. et al., 2017].
Digitalization leads to the digital transformation (DT) of business (transformation of business models) as new technologies, digital innovation and digitalization has changed traditional business processes, corporate structures, relationships, products and services due to inevitable efforts of companies to adjust to rapidly changing world [Matt, C., Hess, T., & Benlian, A., 2015 ].
Therefore, such crucial, world changing phenomena as digitalization and digital transformation are actively studied by researchers and should be investigated even more.
Important area of research about digital transformation is investigation of drivers, barriers and success factors i.e. factors affecting digital transformation. Researchers try to answer such questions as “What force companies to adopt digital solutions?”, “What are the most crucial factors affecting digital transformation?”, “Why some companies are fail in the process of digital transformation?”, “Which capabilities and resources are essential for successful digital transformation?”, “How to conduct successful digital transformation”. These issues are covered in the works of researchers such as Rogers E. M. ,Liere-Netheler K., Vogelsang K., Tornatzky L., Fleischer M., Packmohr S., Osmundsen K., Iden J., Bygstad B. and many others. Today, there are existing theories about factors affecting digital transformation. However, digital transformation is a new topic that is not fully studied yet. Moreover, the development of digital technology is ongoing, not finished process and therefore, the drivers and the key success factors of digital transformation also evolve through time [Reis J. et al., 2019]. Therefore, the topic is relevant. From academic perspective, proposed research will provide a deeper insight into factors affecting digital transformation of companies and their impact as well as will identify implicit factors, which were not previously discussed a lot. As a result, findings of the research will contribute to the enlargement and improvement of traditional theories about factors affecting digital transformation. Moreover, revealed insights into key success factors would be a good base for enlargement of theories about digital transformation strategies. From practical perspective, this research would be useful for business representatives who are interested in digital transformation of their companies or for those who strive to stay competitive and achieve competitive advantage. Research would propose practical and strategical recommendations for companies on how to digitally transform their business and what are the main preconditions for it.

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