Влияние институциональной среды на предпринимательскую активность женщин: на базе проекта GEM

Медушенко Алёна Юрьевна
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Цель исследования: определить институциональные факторы, которые влияют на развитие предпринимательской активности женщин, для двух групп: развитые и развивающиеся.
Задачи работы: провести анализ теоретических исследований предпринимательства; выявить особенности женского предпринимательства; выбрать наиболее подходящий для цели исследования теоретический подход к изучению институциональной среды; сформулировать гипотезы на базе проведенного анализа теоретических исследований; провести количественный анализ панельных данных для двух групп стран; интерпретировать результаты и дать рекомендации на их основе.
Результаты: в ходе исследования было выявлено, что несколько институциональных факторов влияют на предпринимательскую активность женщин: сложность доступа к финансовым ресурсам (негативное влияние, обе группы стран), поддерживающие социально-культурные нормы (положительное влияние, обе группы стран), высшее образование (положительное влияние, развитые страны), школьное образование (негативное влияние, развитые страны), доступность физической инфраструктуры (негативное влияние, развитые страны), государственное регулирование (негативное влияние, развивающиеся страны).

Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 Chapter 1. Analysis of entrepreneurial context influencing female entrepreneurship ………………. 9
1.1 Definition of entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, entrepreneurial activity ……………………….. 9
1.2 Overview of existing approaches to entrepreneurship ……………………………………………. 11
1.3 Peculiarities of female entrepreneurship ……………………………………………………………… 15
1.4 Implementation of institutional theory in entrepreneurship …………………………………….. 23
1.5 Research gap, factors selection and hypotheses statement ……………………………………… 25
Chapter 2. Research methodology………………………………………………………………………………… 33
2.1 Data collection and processing methods ……………………………………………………………… 33
2.2 Model description …………………………………………………………………………………………… 35
2.3 Research strategy ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 37
2.4 Data analysis………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39
Chapter 3. Discussion of the results and implications………………………………………………………. 46
3.1 Discussion of the results obtained ……………………………………………………………………… 46
3.2 Implications …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 50
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 54 References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 57 Appendices………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 67

A number of companies are being created every year. Policy makers worldwide have recognized the importance of entrepreneurship, and governments focus their efforts on providing entrepreneurs with more favorable conditions to facilitate the process of creating and scaling an enterprise. Apparently, government authorities have a good reason for that: startups and SMEs are considered to be driving forces for the national and international economies. Entrepreneurs participate in economic value creation, reduce unemployment, and directly contribute to gross domestic product growth (Minniti, 2010). Thus, enterprises add to the wellness of societies. No wonder why many governments are interested in supporting entrepreneurs and facilitating the process of launching a company.
Along with the rise of entrepreneurial activity and venture creation, more and more women tend to be engaged into entrepreneurial activity. Consequently, a considerable interest has arisen in the phenomena of female entrepreneurship. In particular, what kind of factors and determinants affect women and their intentions. A number of studies have investigated the peculiarities of women-owned enterprises, intentions of female entrepreneurs, human capital women tend to possess, and the influence of social and cultural norms on their choice of entrepreneurship as a career path (Brush et al., 2008; Minniti 2010; Poggesi et al., 2015; Dheer et al., 2019). The majority of researchers tend to agree that female entrepreneurship obtains unique characteristics and shall be studied separately.
Although a lot of studies have already been conducted in order to investigate the relationship between motivation, experience, human capital and the inclusion of women into entrepreneurial activities, the role of institutional factors and government have not been sufficiently covered in the academic literature yet, especially when it comes to analyzing the impact of these factors on female entrepreneurs.
Relevance of the study. Taking into consideration the increasing role of women in economic value creation and the driving force of small and medium enterprises in the international economy, it seems to be crucial to investigate further the main factors that boost female entrepreneurship, and exact reasons that encourage and help women to launch their own business.
This paper will be of a great interest for policy makers, since the main aim of this study is to find out what kind of institutional factors and institutional environment are the most favorable for female businesses and boost female entrepreneurship. As a result of this paper, the most relevant factors will be identified and some recommendations to different stakeholders will be proposed.
Research gap. Although many studies have already investigated the phenomena of female entrepreneurship from a variety of perspectives, very few of them explored the impact of
institutional factors on intentions of female entrepreneurs. In addition to that, existing articles tend to focus on specific topics e.g. impact of education, effect of financial environment etc. and usually provide a single-country analysis, with many of them implementing a qualitative analysis. After thorough analysis of academic papers, no study has been found that provided a comprehensive overview of the influence of institutional environment on female entrepreneurship and comparative analysis of that environment between innovation-driven and efficiency-driven countries implementing a quantitative analysis. Thus, this paper is aimed at filling the existing gap in literature.
Object of this paper is female entrepreneurship. Subject, in its turn, is institutional environment that boost the levels of entrepreneurial activity among women.
Research goal of this paper is to identify the institutional factors that encourage specifically women to start their own business and conduct a comparative analysis of these factors between innovation-driven and efficiency-driven countries. In order to achieve the abovementioned goal several research objectives have been stated:
1. Conduct a literature overview with regard to entrepreneurship;
2. Identify peculiarities of female entrepreneurship;
3. Select institutional framework which is most appropriate for this study;
4. Choose institutional factors based on the peculiarities of female entrepreneurship and
framework identified and state hypotheses;
5. Collect and restructure the data;
6. Build regression models for both innovation-driven and efficiency-driven countries;
7. Analyze the obtained results;
8. Provide recommendations for different stakeholders based on the findings.
In order to achieve the above mentioned goal and complete research objectives, the following research questions shall be answered:
1. What institutional factors affect the intentions of women to launch their own business?
2. What institutional environment is the most favorable for female enterprises?
3. What are the differences between the innovation-driven and efficiency-driven countries in
terms of institutional factors that encourage women to start entrepreneurial activities?
For the empirical part the database of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor will be used collected for five consecutive years (2015-2019). In order to conduct the analysis two regression models will be build separately for two set of countries: innovation-driven and efficiency-driven.

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6) Aliyeva Y. and Zeynalova B. (2016). Women entrepreneurship policy assessment and women entrepreneurs stakeholder survey. URL: https://psd-tvet.de/wp/wp- content/uploads/AZ_GIZ-Women-Enrepreneurship.pdf
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9) Audretsch, D. B., Heger, D., & Veith, T. (2015). Infrastructure and entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 44(2), 219–230.
10) Bae, T. J., Qian, S., Miao, C., & Fiet, J. O. (2014). The relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intentions: A meta–analytic review. Entrepreneurship theory and Practice, 38(2), 217-254.
11) Baptista, R., Karaöz, M., & Mendonça, J. (2014). The impact of human capital on the early success of necessity versus opportunity-based entrepreneurs. Small Business Economics, 42(4), 831-847.
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14) Bosse, D. A., & Taylor III, P. L. (2012). The second glass ceiling impedes women entrepreneurs. The Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 17(1), 52.

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