
Деятельность Международного Комитета Красного Креста в сфере контроля над обычными вооружениями
Работа посвящена исследованию средств и методов применяемых Международным Комитетом Красного Креста (МККК) в сфере контроля над обычными вооружениями. Несмотря на то, что МККК действительно вовлечен в решение проблемы использования конвенционального оружия, деятельность организации в данной сфере чрезвычайно не изучена, и данная работа призвана закрыть этот пробел.
Деятельность и методы применяемые МККК в сфере контроля над обычными вооружениями подвергаются тщательному анализу, дабы выявить их развитие и эволюцию. Чрезвычайно важно понять как менялись стратегия и тактика, используемые Красным Крестом в течение времени, с момента первого прямого контакта с изучаемой сферой.
Результат работы – выявление методов и средств используемых МККК в сфере конвенционального контроля над вооружениями, а также обнаружение изменений в имплементации организацией данных средств и методов.
Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
Chapter 1. Role of the International Committee of the Red Cross in conventional weapons control …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9
1.1. A unique player in the field ………………………………………………………………………………….9
1.2. The legal status of the ICRC……………………………………………………………………………….15
1.3. Motives and reasoning of actions ………………………………………………………………………..22
Chapter 2. Creation of legal norms in the field of conventional arms control …………………………27
2.1. Outreaching and raising awareness………………………………………………………………………….28
2.2. Advocating and facilitation of the negotiation processes ……………………………………………38
Chapter 3. Promoting and ensuring arms control restrictions ……………………………………………….48
3.1. Facilitation of adherence to conventional arms control norms…………………………………….48
3.2. Assistance in national implementation of arms control norms…………………………………….55
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….61 List of sources………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..66 Abbreviations ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..74
There are many players which operate in arms control and disarmament (ACD). Apart from states, which are the main actors in the sphere, non-governmental entities also interfered in the field. One of such entities is the International Committee of the Red Cross (the ICRC), which has been engaged in arms control and disarmament for more than a century. It has been committing certain activities and actions which framed and shaped the sphere. There is no certain starting point of the engagement in weapons control for the organization. However, it is agreed that the visible actions in the sphere occurred after the First World War1. The ICRC publicly condemned the usage of poisonous gases by belligerents during the conflict2. Later on, the entity continued dealing with the issue of weapons, however, conventional weapons drew the attention of the entity only in the middle of the XX century. And moreover, visible steps in that area started to be undertaken only since the 1970-s. After the 1990-s the scale of involvement of the entity in the field definitely speeded up, and the ICRC became one of the most prominent non-governmental players in conventional arms control.
However, the engagement of the entity with the weapons issue was understudied by the academic community3. Only in the late 1970-s scholars paid attention to the ICRC’s activities in arms control and disarmament. Nevertheless, scholars did not draw the line between the activities of the Red Cross in relation to weapons of mass destruction and conventional weapons. There are a few academic works dedicated to the analysis of the role of the ICRC in weapons control in general, but there are no studies at all that comprehensively investigate activities, methods, tactics, and instruments applied by the entity in conventional weapons control. The approaches of the organization to these two classes of weapons are different, and each of them is needed to be investigated. In existing academic literature, the approach of the ICRC to the weapons of mass destruction received more attention, in comparison with the involvement of the entity in conventional weapons control. Therefore, this study is dedicated to the analysis of methods and activities implemented by the International Committee of the Red Cross in conventional arms control.
Consequently, the aims of this study are to determine what methods and activities the International Committee of the Red Cross undertakes in conventional arms control and how they have evolved after the end of the Cold War.
1 Haug, H. Humanity for all. The international Committee of the Red Cross and red Crescent movement / H. Haug – B: Paul Haupt Publisher, 1993. – P. 60.
2 Statement. The ICRC’s appeal against the use of poisonous gases / International Committee of the Red Cross, 1918. URL: https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/resources/documents/statement/57jnqh.htm
3 Mathur, R. Red Cross interventions in weapons control / R. Mathur – L: Lexington books, 2017. – P. 190. 3
For implementing the aims of the research, the following tasks were set up:
1. To determine the role and the status of the ICRC in conventional arms control and
2. To determine what kind of methods the ICRC implements in conventional weapons
control area;
3. To define what kind of activities the ICRC implements in conventional weapons
4. To compare methods and activities undertaken by the ICRC before the end of the
Cold War and after it;
5. To determine the changes in the methods and activities undertaken by the ICRC after
the Cold War;
The timeline of the study is divided into two periods. The first period is the time
between the 1950-s and the end of the 1980-s. The investigation of the activities of the ICRC during that period helps to determine the origin tactics and strategy of the entity in the field of conventional weapons control and to obtain knowledge about what kind of methods and activities were used before the end of the Cold War and compare them with the approaches undertaken in the 1990-s and later.
The second period is the time after the end of the Cold War, which starts from the 1990-s and continues until the current times. This time period is crucial for the study as it allows to determine activities and methods of the entity implemented in the conventional arms control after the end Cold War and later. Also, it helps to trace the evolution of such methods and activities within this period.
The end of the Cold War is specifically taken as a borderline for this research. Significant changes happened in conventional arms control after the 1990-s. Moreover, the end of the Cold War triggered a tectonic transformation of the system of international relations. The Red Cross as an international humanitarian organization that operates globally reacted to the systemic changes in the international context.
The International Committee of the Red Cross is a unique international humanitarian organization that operates worldwide. The main goal of the entity is to ameliorate the sufferings of the wounded and sick during an armed conflict. Throughout time the aims and tasks of the Red Cross have undergone significant changes. Nowadays, the ICRC is not simply a unit that provides medical aid but also the entity that strives to promote and develop international humanitarian law, ameliorate the sufferings of wounded and sick, and ensure decent conditions for prisoners of war, and tackling with weapons issue. The Red Cross has been evolving and nowadays it is the most significant international humanitarian entity in the world.
The ICRC is unique not only because of its mission, task, and principles but also due to its status in international relations. The entity is sui generis, which means one of its kind. By its features, it simultaneously resembles non – governmental and international organizations. On the one hand, it was founded by private individuals and still is governed by them, However, on the other hand, it holds a mandate on its work by the nation-states, and it possesses an international legal personality. The majority of the international community treats it as an international organization, and it operates as an international organization in many ways. However, still, it remains to be independent of the intervention of third parties. Logically, it is one of its kind, and such status helps the entity fulfill its tasks and goals in the international arena.
For quite a long time, the weapons issue was not attributed to the Red Cross, even though members of the organization proclaimed that the ICRC, right from the creation, was engaged with the weapons problem. The founding father of the entity draw attention to the weapons issue, and some ex and current associates of the entity has ensured that weapons for the ICRC are the sphere of interests. However, only at the beginning of the XX century appeals of the organization concerning weapons problem were visible, even though conventional weapons control was not a part of thorough investigation of the entity until the 1950-s.
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