Факторы, влияющие на намерение потребителей совершить покупку в потоковом видео

Фэн Янь
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Вопросы исследования
Q1 Каковы факторы, которые больше всего волнуют потребителей в потоковом вещании?
Q2 Как создать и укрепить доверие потребителей в электронной коммерции в режиме реального времени?
Q3 Какие стратегии осуществимы для продавцов и брендов, продающих товары в прямом эфире, чтобы вызвать у потребителей желание совершить покупку?
Данное исследование началось с изучения потребителей, на основе результатов опроса и соответствующих исследований для определения переменных исследования. Для эмпирического анализа я составил анкету, собрал 563 достоверных ответа на вопросы анкеты, использовал SPSS 26 и AMOS 26 для анализа данных.
Основные результаты
Предложение конкурентоспособной цены, стремление продавца к высокому качеству, профессионализм ведущего прямых трансляций и знак устойчивости – все это положительно влияет на доверие потребителей. Доверие потребителей к потоковому вещанию оказывает значительное положительное влияние на намерения потребителей совершить покупку.

Research Relevance
The establishment of e-commerce platforms has enabled new ways of shopping for the masses. Firstly, it broke down spatial and information barriers: consumers could search for products on the platform and buy products that were not available in local shops; they could also find out more about products in the search or recommendation function of the e-commerce platform, and the variety of products expanded the shopping options of users. The variety of products expands users’ shopping choices. The cost advantage of e-commerce platforms over brick-and-mortar shops in terms of rent and labor costs allows online users to purchase products at lower prices, and the breaking of price barriers and the convenience of e-commerce platforms drives the growth of new users.
When making shopping decisions on traditional e-commerce platforms, users can only access information about the quality and specific parameters of products through pictures on the page, replies from merchants, or internet searches, and spend more time selecting and comparing them. With the development of Internet technology and the popularity of smart mobile devices, live streaming has gradually entered people’s lives. With the emergence of live streaming services, not only is information delivered to viewers from a more realistic perspective, the combination of live streaming and e-commerce can more visually demonstrate the appearance and use of products and respond to consumers in real-time, and the live streaming platform has gradually evolved from an online sales channel to one that integrates sales, communication, and marketing.
With its characteristics of transcending time and space, real-time communication, active interaction, super influence power, and rapid spreading, live streaming becomes a social media platform with a huge user base. The combination of live streaming and e-commerce has improved the shortcomings of traditional e-commerce platforms regarding the one-way output of information such as pictures and text, with products being shown in a more visual way and consumers experiencing a more realistic and interesting shopping experience in live streaming shopping. Live streaming has attracted the attention of massive consumers, greatly satisfying the audience. While the online conversion capability that live streaming has, made an excellent contribution to the online sales of brands. Especially since the pandemic of the coronavirus in 2020, traditional businesses have been strongly ruined, but e-commerce with live streaming has become a major driver of consumption, highlighting the importance of live streaming for product sales and brand marketing. Live streaming shows outstanding contributions to product sales.
As an emerging new model for online commerce, research into the factors that influence consumers’ intention to buy in live streaming appears essential. For brands and retailers, they need to upgrade and adapt their marketing strategies based on these influencing factors. The increase in the number of merchants on e-commerce platforms brings intense competitive pressure and the differentiation between different brands of similar products within the online shopping platforms is no longer obvious, so brands need to build further competitive advantages.
Research Gap
In recent years, scholars have studied live streaming e-commerce, explaining the current state of development of live streaming, findings cover areas such as consumer psychology, purchase motivation and consumer behaviour, live streaming strategies and marketing, information dissemination, etc. However, as an emerging e-commerce platform and online marketing channel, live streaming is still in the development stage, and there is still much room for research on live streaming e-commerce to be explored and developed. In particular, research on building and maintaining consumer trust in live streaming.
Compared to traditional online shopping services, the immediacy, the interactivity and the resemble realistic shopping experience of live streaming moderate consumer uncertainty and perceived risk, but uncertainty still exists. Consumer uncertainty and perceived risk are among the factors that drive consumers out of buying online. Building consumer trust, on the other hand, can facilitate consumers’ willingness to purchase.
This study aims to analyse the factors that influence consumer trust in live streaming and to verify the impact of consumer trust on consumer purchase intentions in a live streaming context. The findings show that offering competitive price, seller’s commitment to high quality, the professionalism of live streaming host and the sustainability label, all positively influence consumer trust. Consumer trust in live streaming has a significant positive impact on consumer purchase intentions.
Research Goal
The research goal of the paper was to investigate the factor that can lead to the feasible live streaming marketing strategy.
Research Questions
The research questions can be formed as:
• What are the factors that consumers care most about in live streaming?
• How to build and enhance consumer trust in live streaming e-commerce?
• For the live streaming sellers and brands, what strategies are feasible to arouse consumer purchase intention?
Research Methods
This research started with one consumer research,through the survey findings and relevant researches to identify research variables. For the empirical analysis, one questionnaire was constructed, 563 valid questionnaire responses were collected back, SPSS 26 and AMOS 26 were used for data analysis.
To detect factors that appeal to consumers in live streaming, this consumer survey was conducted. The two-question survey was distributed via online channels, 255 valid responses collected back. The questionnaire content:
Q1 Have you ever bought products in live streaming?
Q2 What you most valued when you are shopping via live streaming?
Questionnaires that gave a negative answer in Q1 were invalid. Consumers in the sample often have more than one concern in live streaming. After collating and extracting the key points, the answers of the 255 respondents who have participated in live streaming are as follows:
Frequency over 10 times:price discounts and promotions (68), product quality (49), product presentation (31), the authenticity of information (26), post-sales service (19), the usefulness of the product (16), whether I enjoyed the live streaming (14), the host’s response to questions (13), consumer’s comments and evaluation of the product (10).
Frequency of 1-9 times:the credibility of the host (9), the atmosphere of the live streaming (8), host attitude (7), the appearance of the product (7), online sales volume of the product (6), product diversity (3), brand awareness (3), host recommendation (2), product ingredients and safety (2), convenience (2), host reputation (2), ethical quality (2), host activeness (1), interestingness (1), host appearance (1), celebrity identical products (1), live shopping experience (1).
Price, product and live streaming host, consumer responses were mainly related to these three elements. This simple research questionnaire perceived that consumers’ attention in live streaming is complex and diverse, mainly in terms of the availability of price discount, the quality and service of the goods, and the career competency of the host. This study starts with these three as measurement variables. Two consumers mentioned “ethical quality”. It seems challenging for people to detect the moral characteristics of a host during live streaming, and even in real life, it is difficult to judge the morality of one observer in a short period of time based on the way he or she speaks and behaves. But consumers can evaluate brands’ ethical standards by searching information such as the activities brands involved in, brand culture and whether the company has taken on social and environmental responsibility. Thus, the sustainability label was used as a research factor for measurement.

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