Факторы, влияющие на присутствие женщин в топ менеджменте в России
Целью этой работы является исследование того, как присутствие женщин в менеджменте повышает ценность компании, и определение того, какие факторы влияют на присутствие женщин в высшем руководстве компаний, какие препятствия женщины встречаются на своем карьерном пути к высшим руководящим должностям, и как они их преодолевают. В этом исследовании основное внимание уделяется присутствию женщин топ-менеджеров в российских компаниях и штаб-квартирах ТНК в России, и оценивается ситуация в разных отраслях.
1.1. Diversity theories 9
1.1.1. Diversity: a multidimensional concept 9
1.1.2. Variety of diversity dimensions 11
1.1.3. Benefits, obstacles and difficulties of managing diversity 11
1.2. Phenomenon of gender diversity 14
1.2.1. Sex and gender differences between men and women 15
1.2.2. Origins of the gender diversity 16
1.2.3. Influence of gender diversity on leadership and management 17
1.3. Career development of women in management 18
1.3.1. Concept of career development in literature 19
1.3.2. Women career development: global context 21
1.3.3. Female presence in management and company performance 24
1.3.4. Barriers to women career development 30
1.4. Career development of women in management: Russian context 37
2.1. Data collection 43
2.2. Respondent selection 45
2.2. Data analysis 46
3.1. Results of Data Analysis and Discussions 47
3.2. Research Findings 61
4.1. Conclusions 64
4.2. Theoretical Contribution 65
4.3. Managerial Relevance 66
4.4. Limitations and recommendations for further research 67
A modern woman and her position in the society and, especially on the labor market are now among one of the most debated topics. With the emancipation of women and their equal rights, women gradually began to penetrate into jobs which were previously held only by men, and this fact has not avoided observation. Increased attention is devoted to the question regarding gender equality, both in terms of equal working conditions and in terms of equal pay. Also, the subject of interest lately became the ratio of men and women in senior management positions. Despite the fact, that there are more women in management now than before, this rate is still incomparable with the number of men executives.
The topic of women’s representation in top management is no longer a purely egalitarian debate. Nowadays, a female presence in the highest business echelons has become imperative for an ever-growing number of companies. However, despite the wide scale of benefits gender diversity brings, statistics reveal that women are still underrepresented in the top corporate positions. For this reason, it is essential to raise awareness about the social and economic advantages of appointing women into high positions. Research on this topic not only offers theoretical but also practical value, seeing as it addresses the fundamental topic of the relationship between gender diversity and company operational outcomes.
Integrate consideration of gender aspects in the formation of social and economic policies is becoming an important condition for the harmonization of society, improving the quality of life and gender equality – overcoming the inequalities in the social positions of men and women. Earlier studies in the field of management were traditionally focused on a male manager. This was considered as a sort of a standard because at all times it was men who have dominated among the leaders. However, modern society cannot ignore the opportunities that are provided by skilled women leaders. Therefore, in recent decades, the impact of gender differences on the work and career has been the object of special research (Powell, 1990; Fenwick and Neal, 2011; Mendell and Pherwani, 2013).
The purpose of this thesis is to identify how the presence of female senior managers adds value to the company, and to determine what factors influence the presence of female members in top management, what are the opportunities and what obstacles women meet on their career path to the very top management, and how they overcome them. This paper focuses on the cases of Russian female managers on the top and the situation across different industries is assessed.
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