Формирование экосистемы для системы управления талантами на макроуровне: Изучение России

Павлова Дарья Алексеевна
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Целью данного исследования является определение основных элементов и характеристик экосистемы управления талантами на макроуровне (MTM), которые могут формировать конкурентные преимущества для фирмы и государства. На основе качественного метода анализа собранных данных были предложены модель экосистемы управления талантами на макроуровне с учетом российского контекста, а также рекомендации по ее использованию.

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7 1.1 The concept of ecosystems: value for Global Talent Management practices ………………………9
1.2 Defining a concept of global talent management (GTM): features and effects for different levels of application………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16
1.2.1 Individual level of global talent management …………………………………………………………….17
1.2.2 Global talent management at the organizational level: basic concept and routines ………….18
1.3 Macro view in global talent management: macro talent management approach ………………..21
1.4 Macro Talent Management ecosystem: definition and concept review …………………………….25
1.5 Country-specific context: the case of the Russian Federation………………………………………….31
2. Research Methodology ………………………………………………………………………………………………..40
2.1. Data collection process ……………………………………………………………………………………………..40
2.2 Respondents profile …………………………………………………………………………………………………..42
2.3 Data analysis process…………………………………………………………………………………………………43
3. Empirical part …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….44 3.1 Aggregated results of data analysis ……………………………………………………………………………..44
3.1.1 Main elements of the MTM ecosystem on country and firm level ………………………………..44
3.1.2 Identified elements of the MTM and their interconnections …………………………………………52
3.2 Research findings and recommendations ……………………………………………………………………..63
4. Conclusions and implications ……………………………………………………………………………………….69
.1 Conclusions ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..69 4.2 Theoretical contribution …………………………………………………………………………………………….70
4.3 Managerial relevance…………………………………………………………………………………………………70
4.4 Limitations and recommendations for further research…………………………………………………..71
References …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….73 Appendix 1. Interview Guide …………………………………………………………………………………………..86 Appendix 2. D&I initiatives for the three key job characteristics ………………………………………….90

The emerging economy’s transition to the sixth technological mode, the slowdown in economic growth are forcing companies to look for new ways to fight for their business in the market, to act in the face of uncertainty and come up with new business models. Lack of attention to staff can lead to brain drain not only within a particular company, but also subsequently within the whole country. Starting from school, a person develops his/her intellectual capital, which subsequently can become a competitive advantage. Secondary educational institutions, universities continue the development of each person. Recently, companies have also begun to pay great attention to the training and development of their staff. All this speaks of the interest of modern actors, both on the part of the state and in business, in developing high-quality ways to work with talents and in creating possible tools that will help create these ways.
Talent management (TM) is important concept, that helps the companies to win “the war for talents” (Michaels, et al., 2001), while motivating employees to retain and develop. In this case, it is more applicable to use notion global talent management (GTM) that includes organizational activities for the purpose of attracting, selecting, developing, and retaining the best employees in the most strategic roles on a global scale (Scullion, et al., 2020). Within the framework of this study, the concept of Macro talent management (MTM), which is an important part of GTM, will be studied in more detail, since it has more relevance and application opportunities for the research.
MTM is a concept that includes various systems and forces that shape the practice of attracting, retention and developing talent at various levels (King, et al., 2019) The aim of MTM is to create a new conceptual and practical tool to examine policies, programs and practices that are developed by a specific country’s governmental and nongovernmental organizations and to enhance the quality of talent in that country for promoting that country’s prosperity and competitiveness in the global marketplace.
The concept of ecosystems in management began to develop back in the last century, but these studies are acquiring real value right now with the awareness of practical applicability. Ecosystems are increasingly popular direction in the study of many business-related disciplines. One of the main reasons is that it provides a tool for creation of unique conditions for creating competitive advantages, both at the level of states and at the level of firms.
Thus, we see that the combination of MTM and the concept of ecosystems can go very organically, as both theories seek to target the main elements that need to be addressed in order to build the right workflows that can be an advantage for governments and firms in their “the war for talents”.
The Russian context in this regard was also not chosen by chance. First, limited researches on TM related topics for Russian context exist, since this direction is just beginning to develop. This will help to contribute to the study of the Russian HR direction in business science. Secondly, the Russian context, which includes elements of both the Western and the Eastern world, gives a chance to find its uniqueness and strong points for potential development.
The combination of all factors about the potential compatibility of MTM and ecosystem theories, the unique Russian context, as well as the ability to create through a theoretical framework a potential practical tool for working with talent and correcting mistakes in advance while understanding certain elements as red flags and their interdependencies makes this research relevant and interesting for studying.
Subject of this research is MTM ecosystem.
Object of this research is MTM ecosystem element.
The research aim was formulated: it is to identify main elements and characteristics for
macro talent management (MTM) ecosystem that may shape competitive advantages for firm and states.
Thus, the main objectives of this paper were formulated:
1) To conduct preliminary desk research to obtain primary data on potential elements of the
ecosystem for testing and unique characteristics of Russian country-specific context;
2) To collect data with semi-structured in-depth interviews with experienced HR specialists from different regions and company types in order to identify main elements, their
interconnections and main Russian country-specific characteristics;
3) To analyze the obtained data using the qualitative methods;
4) To provide recommendations based on collected and analyzed data for practical
applications both in governmental bodies and companies.
This research paper is divided into 4 main chapters. At the beginning, the main theoretical
concepts will be considered that may help to determine the preliminary elements of the ecosystem for MTM and get an understanding of Russian country-specific context. This will define the main research gap and address questions that will help uncover this gap. Then the research methodology will be proposed, which will help to correctly collect and process the obtained data to obtain the maximum effect. In the empirical part, the main findings will be reviewed, based on which ideas will be generalized and the main research findings will be derived. At the end, will draw the main conclusions, identify the main managerial and theoretical implications, limitations and further opportunities for this research.

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