Институты взаимодействия с диаспорами и интернационализация отечественных фирм
Цель этого исследования заключактся в том, чтобы выяснить, как институты взаимодействия с диаспорами влияют на интернационализацию отечественных фирм. Эта цель была достигнута с помощью тематических исследований пяти институтов взаимодействия с диаспорами и четырех отечественных фирм. Автор исследует различные способы сотрудничества между институтами взаимодействия с диаспорами и отечественными фирмами. Автор утверждает, что ключквые динамические возможности, полученные от институтов взаимодействия с диаспорами, повышают степень интернационализации отечественных фирм.
Chapter 1: Literature review: The value of DEIs from the perspective of company level …………………………………………………………………………………………………8
1.1 The definition and classification of diaspora and DEIs………………………………10
1.2 The reasons for the rapid emergence of DEIs……………………………………………10
1.3 Assessing the contribution of DEIs from“tapping” perspective………………….11 1.4 The development of Chinese DEIs ……………………………………………………………13 The cultural background for the rise of Chinese DEIs overseas………………………………….13 Institutional forms of Chinese DEIs……………………………………………………………………14 Chinese DEIs in Russia…………………………………………………………………………………..16
Chapter 2: Dynamic capability as a theory of studying internationalization ……20 2.1 Dynamic capabilities provided by DEIs…………………………………………………….20 The network of DEIs and Resource Bridging Capability…………………………………………23 The knowledge transfer of DEIs and Adaptive Capability……………………………………….25 2.2 Dynamic capabilities and the degree of firms’ internationalization…………….26 2.3 Limitations of the current theory on dynamic capabilities…………………………28
The concept of dynamic capabilities stay vague…………………………………………………….28
Do DCs influence firm performance?…………………………………………………………………29 2.4 Research gap and research questions………………………………………………………..30
Chapter 3. Research methodology………………………………………………………………….31
3.1 Rationale behind case study method…………………………………………………………31
3.2 Rationale behind the sample selection………………………………………………………32
3.3 Data collection methods ………………………………………………………………………….36
DEIs case studies: interview method (primary data)………………………………………………36
Interview guide for targeted respondents……………………………………………………………38 Firm case studies: financial data (secondary/compiled data)…………………………………….42
Chapter 4. Empirical study …………………………………………………………………………..43
4.1 Background of the target DEIs…………………………………………………………………43 4.2 Company case descriptions………………………………………………………………………46 Zhongding Dairy Farming Co., Ltd………………………………………………………………….46 Chengtong International Investment Co., Ltd……………………………………………………..50
China-Russia Silk Road Innovation Park…………………………………………………………..53 Angel Yeast Co., Ltd…………………………………………………………………………………….55 4.3 Answer to the questions……………………………………………………………………………57
1. What are the cooperation forms between DEIs and home firms in the emerging markets?
2. How do DEIs enhance the Resource Bridging Capability of home firms in the emerging markets?
3. How do DEIs enhance the adaptive capabilities of home firms in the emerging markets?
4.3. Validation and limitations……………………………………………………………………….63 4.4. Research implications……………………………………………………………………………..63 Managerial contributions………………………………………………………………………………64 Contributions for policymakers………………………………………………………………………65 Theoretical contributions ……………………………………………………………………………..65
Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………………….65 References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………66 Appendices……………………………………………………………………………………………………75
In recent years there has been a continued increase in migration-related academic publications(IOM,2020). It has become evident that diasporas members have played a significant role in sociol-cultural, civic-political, and economic areas both in the countries of origin and destination. Diaspora is connected with geopolitics, trade and cultural exchange, and it provides benefits to states, communities and businesses. The value of diasporas members is embodied in providing knowledge transfer and networks(Estrin et al., 2018; Mehrez and Hamdy, 2010,). Among the existing studies based on diasporan resources, only a handful examine the influence of diaspora in the host country on the inward investment patterns of firms from countries of origin(COO) in the host country(Shukla, Pallavi & Cantwell, John,2018). From the perspective of the company level, diasporas members are committed to liability of foreignness of firms in the home country(Panibratov and Rysakova,2020). There are three main channels with which firms can engage with diaspora members: employment of diasporans (Kunczer et al., 2019), ownership as a form of connection between the homeland firms and diasporans(Rabbiosi et al., 2019) and diaspora engagement institutions(DEIs) (Agunias and Newland, 2012). DEIs as a significant way with which diasporas members can provide their support has not been fully studied (Panibratov and Rysakova,2020). Therefore, the cooperation forms between DEIs and home firms has not been explored clearly.
Further more emerging enterprises are faced with systematic capacity defects, and it is difficult to own capabilities at home and abroad(Ai&Tan, 2020). In order to study how the essential capabilities gained from DEIs influence their internationalization, the author introduces the dynamic capability theory in this research. In the past few decades, as an active multi-disciplinary research area, dynamic capability has been paid more and more attention in the research of internationalization in recent years (Mudalige, Ismail and Malek, 2019). Teece, Pisano, and Shuen(1997) initially put forward the dynamic capability perspective as an extension of the firm’s
resource-based view. The dynamic capabilities were defined as the framework to analyze the sources and methods of wealth creation, and captured by enterprises operating in a technological changing environment. Facing the great uncertainty in the process of internationalization, the dynamic capability view has been used to expand the current internationalization theory from the company level.
In light of the above background, this research study how homeland firms’ DCs gained from DEIs influence their internationalization in emerging markets. The author adopted exploratory case study approach to generate key insights from contextually rich qualitative data. The data is based on in-depth interviews with experts who work in 5 Chinese DEIs oriented in Russia. The main reason is quite an amount of policies which have become the standard elements of diaspora selection are based on China’s immigration policies in the 1980s(Welch,2008). In addition, the Chinese government has founded various DEIs, which are widely regarded as successful in how to “tapping” diasporas members’ resources(Lin et al., 2019). Apart from that, China and Russia have maintained a close relationship, contributing to DEIs development in Russia (Ryazantsev S., Manshin R. 2016). As a result, the the Chinese DEIs in Russia provides the research quite much valuable data and typical cases for this study. The author also select four companies that have cooperated with the 5 Chinese DEIs and study their cooperation mode. In-depth interviews were conducted with the top managers of the four Chinese firms to acquire more objective results.

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