Культурные особенности связи между предпринимательской ориентацией и результатами деятельности фирмы
В современных условиях нестабильности внешней среды и увеличивающейся конкуренции у бизнеса возникает крайняя необходимость искать новые источники конкурентных преимуществ. Одним из возможных путей решения данной проблемы является выбор компаниями Предпринимательской Ориентации (ПО) как основы принятия стратегических решений. Несмотря на то, что концепт ПО был тщательно исследован в течение последних десятилетий, её влияние на результаты деятельности фирмы так и не было признано однозначно положительным. Данная работа объясняет противоречия между результатами предшествующих исследований, рассматривая национальную культуру, как модератор связи между ПО и результатами деятельности фирмы. В качестве отдельных факторов данное исследование использует следующие измерения национальной культуры: индивидуализм, избегание неопределённости и дистанцию власти. Опираясь на данные 7384 фирм из 46 стран, исследование показывает, что связь между ПО и результатами деятельности фирмы является положительной, тогда как избегание неопределённости негативно влияет на данную связь, а в высоко индивидуалистических культурах данная связь выражается сильнее.
Being one of the key drivers of today’s economic growth, ever-emerging firms have always been an essential target of scientific research. As contemporary external environment is characterized by consistent globalization processes and shortening product and business model lifecycles (Hamel, 2000), such firms are constantly involved in an increasing competition and environmental dynamism. Thus, firms’ managers are faced with an imperative of constantly striving for a sustainable competitive advantage guaranteeing the long-term growth. During the emergence of such firms, founders elaborate certain principles intended on the achievement of sustainable competitive advantage. These principles are also described by the term strategic orientation. Among others, the Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) refers to an ability to develop and adopt innovative initiatives to rejuvenate market offerings, proactive behavior and willingness to try out new products, services and markets (Covin & Slevin, 1991). During the last decades, the construct of EO was extensively researched and became one of the most established concepts in entrepreneurial literature (Wales, 2016) sometimes even being called a central concept of the entrepreneurship theory that have received an impressive amount of attention from almost every part of global research community (Covin, Green, & Slevin, 2006).
Stemming from strategic management theory, the EO was considered a success factor of entrepreneurial firms being a subject to be proven empirically or statistically. Thus, many researchers concentrated their efforts on investigating the relation between the EO and firm performance. However, not all the results confirmed an undoubtedly positive impact of EO on firm’s performance: some of them have demonstrated weak or non-linear dependence (Smart & Conant, 1994) while others have proven it to be negative under some conditions (Hart, 1992), which indicates a necessity to explain the contingencies of its behavior according to one or another hypothesis.
Entrepreneurial orientation of a firm is dynamic: it evolves over time like other strategic components. Thus, the relation between the EO and performance is to be not only proven by itself on different samples, but also regularly in order to monitor the changes of the EO across many firms (Basso et al., 2009). From this perspective, the data being used by this study appear even more relevant: GUESSS survey that was conducted on university students is able to provide understandings based on the responses of emerging entrepreneurs, students who have already started own business and are likely to become main decision-makers of the nearest future.
According to some studies, the relationship between the EO and business performance appeared to be positive while other studies failed to indicate such positive relation. Consequently, the variance of the strength and direction of the relationship is likely to depend on the contingencies of each study. These contingencies or moderators can represent either internal or external environment of a firm. The present research was decided to be concentrated on external environment moderators due to the reasons discussed below.
Between moderators of external environment especially appropriate for this relation tend to be those related to national culture: cultural contingency was considered one of the most attractive directions of research on EO only about a decade ago (Lumpkin & Dess, 2005), which caused an increasing interest of the researchers. However, although some studies succeeded in explaining determinants of the relationship (Saeed et al., 2014), by 2017 studies on cultural contingencies of the aforementioned relation remain rare (Rigtering et al., 2017), resulting in a distinct research gap. Therefore, the present study is aimed to fill the gap by concentrating on cultural contingency as a moderator of the EO-Performance relation. As the most relevant measurement framework of natural culture is Hofstede’s cultural dimensions (Hofstede, 2011), it was decided to use some of its dimensions as the moderators. Considering the rationale present in the following chapter, the dimensions of Individualism, Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance were chosen to be the moderators.
Taking into account the aforementioned arguments, it was decided to concentrate specifically on the following research questions: How does national culture influence EO-performance relationship? What is the impact of individualism on the relation between EO and performance? How does power distance affect this relationship? Finally, how does the uncertainty avoidance influence this relation? To answer these questions, a sample of 7384 perspective entrepreneurs from 46 countries was used.
The first chapter focuses on the theoretical concepts crucial to understanding the EO-Performance relation, including the EO itself, its dimensions, its measurement principles as well as on the review of the findings made by the researchers of similar topics. Then the analysis of the moderators decided to be used by this research is present: the choice of the dimensions of individualism, power distance and uncertainty avoidance is explained along with Hofstede’s theoretical framework resulting in hypotheses statement.
The second chapter is concentrated on the results of quantitative study: all the data being used are described, applied variables and statistical procedure is explained. Moderated hierarchical linear regression analysis outputs are preceded by descriptive statistics and correlations. Then follows the judgment about hypotheses acceptance and managerial implications of the study
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