
Предпочтение бренда-копии потребителями. Роль неопределенности и страны происхождения.
Главная цель работы это исследовать вопрос бренда-имитатора и готовность потребителе платить больше за них ф случае неопределенности на Российском рынке. Задачи работы включают в себя анализ поведения иностранных студентов, приезжающих в новую страну, как они оценивают бренды-имитаторы, насколько больше они готовы заплатить, чтобы избавиться от неопределенности и как уровень рискованности и важность бренда влияют на их выбор между брендом-имитатором и другим брендом. После всех проведенных анализов можно сказать, что потребители, которые не любят рисковать и ценят бренд, готовы заплатить больше за бренд-имитатор.
The main research area of the master thesis is the consumer behavior and factors that may affect the choice of consumers, the branding strategy in particular. The key topics addressed in the master thesis are the following: the branding strategy and the copycat (brand imitation) strategy, the uncertainty of the customers, the willingness to pay and the consumer behavior in general.
The research field of the master thesis is the consumer behavior and choice of a brand in case of uncertainty about product’s quality. The research problem is to find out whether in case of uncertainty about the quality of goods the consumer will prefer to buy a copycat brand and pay for it a higher price.
Additionally to the main research problem in the master thesis after a conducted analysis there will be also answers for the following research questions:
• How the consumers perceive and evaluate the copycat brands?
• How much the consumers are ready to overpay in order to get rid of the uncertainty?
• How the risk avoidance level and the brand importance of the customer influences their choice between the copycat and the differentiated brand?
The topic of the copycat brands is very relevant to the contemporary world and today’s marketing. Many big companies faced the problem of other companies copying their brands and getting profit out of this strategy. One of the most recent examples in Russia is the case of butter «Баба Валя» (Baba Valya).
In November 2016 the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (FAS) penalized with a 110 000 rubles fine a Russian company «Традиция» for copying the package of the butter produced under the brand of Valio. The Russian butter «Баба Валя» (Baba Valya) had the same colors and style of the package as Valio’s butter (see the Picture 1) which was considered as a violation of the unfair competition law. The FAS explained that the buyers guided by the brightest elements, including color and style, could confuse similar packages of butter «Баба Валя» and Valio and then buy one instead of another (Lenta.ru, 2016).
Pic. 1. The comparison of the «Баба Валя» (copycat brand) and Valio (original brand) packages
Another example of even bigger and more successful copycat was found in Ukraine where a war of words has broken out over copycat cases of Scotland’s national drink (Daily Record, 2017). Supermarket shelves in the Ukraine were filled with bottles of “whisky” looking like a rip-off of major Scotch whisky brands like Johnnie Walker (see Picture 2).
Pic. 2. The comparison of the Johnnie Walker Red Label (original brand) and Jack Talker Red Level (copycat brand) packages
In particular, one Ukrainian distillery is producing red, black and blue “level” Jack Talker whisky in bottles very similar to the red, black and blue of Johnnie Walker. Diageo, the company that owns several major Scotch brands including Johnnie Walker complained resulting in the Ukrainian anti-monopoly committee fining the distillery for a series of breaches of the Johnnie Walker brand.
Diageo have complained about the counterfeit, however, the Simferopol Wine and Cognac Factory website, still showing imitation brands and saying that their activity is licensed and legal according to the current Ukrainian legislation in the field.
The strategy of brand imitation is widely used in the emerging markets and Asia has a lot of examples of copycat brands. The emerging markets have been successful in recent decades in engineering their own, localized, copycat brands, which emulate the success of similar organizations in developed markets. The copycat brands find success in emerging markets by adapting a proven concept tested abroad and infusing it with local or market-specific attributes.
One of the most notable examples of copycat brand success is Miniso, a Chinese imitation of three Japanese retail brands Uniqlo, Muji and Daiso (see Picture 3). Miniso has been widely criticized after saying that they have Japanese origins to some designers who have subsequently denied involvement in the brand.
Pic. 3. The logotype of the Miniso, the Chinese copycat brand
The company, which has many stores in Japan has opened more than 1,100 shops in China, and many more in other locations across Southeast Asia. The brand currently operates four shops in Macau and is growing in popularity. Even more striking is that Miniso has accomplished its rapid rise within just three years and has a target of a bigger expansion by 2020. Regardless of its origins as a copycat brand, Miniso is growing in strength, and is forging its own identity in key markets outside of Japan.
Other examples include Brazil’s highly successful Lojas Renner, modeled on Spain’s international Zara brand, South Korea’s The Face Shop, which drew its inspiration from famous The Body Shop in Britain, and China’s Anta Sports Products. The latter, which uses a similar logo to sports brand Nike – only turned upside-down – has grown in the last three years and became the third-largest sports footwear brand in China. (Macau Daily Times, 2017)
In the following master thesis, the topic of the copycat will be explained in a very detailed way and seen from different points of view. The first chapter will be devoted to the theoretical background of the topic discussed. In particular, the previous research papers written on the topic of copycat brands and consumer behavior in order to define the research gap. Then, the terms of copycat brand, willingness to pay and uncertainty about the product will be explained to help with defining the hypotheses for the further analysis. The second chapter of the master thesis will contain the explanation of the methodology used in order to collect the data and analyze it that will lead to the supporting or rejecting the hypotheses stated in the beginning. In the conclusion further analyses will be discussed together with the limitations that the author faced during the work on the master thesis
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