Роль государства в интернационализации фирм Евразийского экономического союза

Осипова Екатерина Ивановна
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Данное исследование фокусируется на изучении феномена мультинациональных корпораций стран Евразийского экономического союза и изучает влияние государства на их интернационализацию. Основной целью магистерской диссертации является анализ влияния государства на интернационализацию мультинациональных корпораций из стран ЕАЭС. Для выполнения этой задачи был проведен регрессионный анализ.
Результаты статистического анализа показали, что политическое участие в различных формах, а именно: государственная собственность, наличие политиков в составе совета директоров и топ-менеджмента компании, а также государственные контракты, положительно влияет на интернационализацию компаний стран ЕАЭС.
Основываясь на результатах анализа, были предложены практические рекомендации по применению результатов исследования на практике.

Defining multinational companies 10 Internationalization of emerging market MNEs 11 Role of the state in internationalization process of MNEs 13 Eurasian Economic Union 14 Internationalization of companies from EAEU countries and role of the government 15
State-owned multinational corporations 15
Aim of the study 20 Research questions 20 Research method 20 Data collection process 21 Regression model and variables 21 Models 23 Limitations 23
Descriptive analysis 25
Hypotheses testing 27
Correlation 27 Regression models (Mixed Model analysis) 29
Summary 35 Significance for theory and practice 35
Academic literature in English 37 Aсademic literature in other languages 41 Other sources 41
The list of references in cyrillic transliterated into latin alphabet 42

In modern world multinational enterprises (MNEs), with huge capital, are the main participants in trade and economic relations in the international market. They account for over 50% of all industrial production and 70% of international transactions. MNEs have a great influence on the development of the world economy, contributing to the growth of production efficiency and improving product quality, giving impetus to the development of science and technology. Therefore, nowadays the topic of multinational companies is very relevant among scientists. In order to develop relations between countries and improve conditions for entering new markets, many countries create various international platforms for organizing negotiations. One such formation is the Eurasian Economic Union.
This organization has become a platform for the development of cooperation, modernization and competitiveness in the field of industry and logistics. The creation of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and its activities towards the conclusion of free trade agreements introduce adjustments to existing trade relations. The business of the EAEU member states has the opportunity to diversify its supply: reorient the sales markets, develop new joint ventures and integrate into international production chains (Russian International Affairs council, 2019).
Based on the concluded agreements between the countries of this union, companies from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia with state support try to work out different internationalization strategies, entry and consolidation models that will help them become significant players in the international market.
It should also be considered that the EAEU members are developing countries. Multinational companies from developing countries in most cases depend on the government, which is involved in the development of strategies for entering the international market, as well as control their activities both within country and abroad. These factors lead to the fact that MNEs need to correctly build relations with the state in order to be implemented in foreign markets.
Emerging economies exhibit many examples of competitive companies with state participation, which contradicts the widespread perception of them as relic forms of enterprises, living out their days and concentrated in the domestic market. On the contrary, the close interaction of the company with the state becomes a driver of international expansion (Panibratov, Mikhailova, 2019).
Research gap and topicality
This master’s work is devoted to the role of EAEU member states in the process of internationalization of their multinational companies. In the context of the post-Soviet institutional environment that currently exists in the CIS countries, this topic is very relevant, especially in the case of MNEs of strategic interest to the state in the international arena. Therefore, it is important to understand the relationship between the governments of the EAEU countries and the largest companies in order to understand the patterns and features of their internationalization process.
Object of study: ways of entering new markets by companies from countries with developing economies.
Research subject: the impact of state participation in the process of internationalization of companies on the example of the EAEU countries.
Research problem
Research problem can be identified as «How the governments of EAEU member countries influence the internationalization process of their multinational companies».
Previous studies have not considered internationalization within an international organization such as the EAEU. This work also analyzes the relationship, which was not previously discussed, between the internationalization of companies and the institutional features of the countries. Moreover, existing works that somehow relate to the topic of government relations and internationalization do not pay enough attention to the various levels of political participation in multinational companies. This study will identify various types of political inclusion in the international activities of companies, as well as identify the results of government intervention in internationalization processes.
The master’s thesis contains an analysis of the theoretical basis and previous empirical research. Theoretical articles and other foundations consider various aspects of the research problem. Confirmation or rejection of hypotheses will be used to consider the problem, achieve the goal and objectives of the study, and answer the questions that were formulated in the second chapter.
Structure of paper
The main part of the study is divided into four sections. The first section is devoted to reviewing the literature on the internationalization of MNСs, analyzing the interaction of countries

within the EAEU, indicators of internationalization, direct and indirect mechanisms of state influence on firms in these countries, and the role of political ties in the process of internationalization of companies. The second part includes a description of the design and methodology of the research, the main goals of the master’s thesis and research questions.
The third part consists of an explanation of the study and a description of the results of the analysis. The fourth part consists of summaries, discussions and suggestions for further research and, finally, practical management recommendations.

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