Влияние воспринимаемой «иностранности» бренда на оценку продукта и намерение приобрести продукт (на примере российского рынка)

Лиховолова Марина Олеговна
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Данная магистерская диссертация нацелена на выявлениt влияние воспринимаемой иностранности бренда, реализуемую посредством стратегии псевдо-иностранности, на оценку продукта и намерение купить. Дополнительно проверяется влияние на готовность заплатить. Практическому исследованию предшествует широкий теоретический обзор, в ходе которого анализируется основа концепта воспринимаемой иностранности (эффект страны происхождения), метод ее реализации (стратегия псевдо-иностранности), а также выявляются важнейшие модерирующие факторы. Анализ данных, собранных в результате проведения опроса, позволяет сделать выводы об эффективности и надежности интеграции воспринимаемой иностранности в бренд-стратегии компаний среди российский потребителей. Далее компаниям, заинтересованным в разработке новых или корректировке имеющихся бренд- или рекламных стратегий, предлагаются рекомендации, основанные на настоящем исследовании. Один из важнейших выводов касается модерирующего влияния вовлеченности в продуктовую категорию и ознакомленности с брендом (продуктом) на эффективность внедрения иностранности; согласно ему, упор на воспринимаемую иностранность должен делаться на разных этапах вовлеченности и ознакомленности, в зависимости от типа и категории продукта. Неблагоприятное влияние на оценку продукта, намерения купить и готовность заплатить раскрытия истинной страны происхождения демонстрирует необходимость устойчивой поддержки иностранного имиджа и осведомленности о возможных проблемах.

Customers are surrounded by advertising in the press and on the radio, television and the Internet. One strategy of companies to win the advertising battle is to integrate the concept of perceived brand foreignness by either mentioning directly or indicating indirectly the country of origin of the company and its products, triggering stereotypical associations and arousing the appeal toward a product. However, most of the companies, especially in emerging markets, cannot establish a favorable product-country connection because the manufacturing country in question lacks perceived expertise in this product category. To overcome this problem, companies employ foreign branding strategy by pretending to be non-local; most often, they use the image of the country that is famous for producing this type of products to enhance quality perception and transmit relevant values.
Perceived brand foreignness has been in use for more than twenty years in the Russian market; many companies have reached successful market position by building up a foreign image. Though the beneficial effects of foreign branding strategy usage may seem apparent, no thorough research has been conducted yet in order to measure the effect of this strategy employment on attitudes and intentions.
Therefore, the research gap this study is aimed to fulfill lies in the lack of identification of the character of the influence of perceived brand foreignness, implemented through foreign branding strategy, on product evaluation and purchase intention, as well durability of this influence.
The goal of the research would be to observe whether this influence is negative or positive, how it is moderated by extraneous factors and how it changes when challenged.
In order to achieve this goal, the following research questions are to be covered:
• What influence does perceived brand foreignness have on product evaluation, purchase intention and willingness to pay – negative or positive?
• What kind of effects do product category involvement and brand familiarity have on relationship between perceived brand foreignness and product evaluation, purchase intention and willingness to pay?
• Do product evaluation, purchase intention and willingness to pay change when true origin of pseudo foreign brands is exposed? What is the direction of the effect?

The actuality of the current research bases on the recent changes in consumption practices, fueled by shifts in geopolitical landscape. Now that local production is given a significant boost, the domestic consumption is on the rise. Therefore, the potency of foreign branding strategy might fall under question. On the other hand, the post-crisis economy is reviving and the local market is growing correspondingly; thus, the need for differentiation intensifies. This way, a pseudo foreign brand might truly stand out among locally positioned competitors.
The research on country of origin effect accounts for more than a fifty years; apparently, this is a well-studied concept. The foreign branding strategy, however, has not yet received such a wide coverage in academic world. Moreover, existing studies focus on Western countries or developing Asian countries. The same kind of research has not been conducted in relation to the Russian market. Consequently, adding Russia to the body of existing research might enhance integrity and adequacy within the academic investigation potential of the foreign branding strategy as perceived brand foreignness implementation mode in the emerging markets. Furthermore, there were just several studies that investigated the shift in consumers’ purchase intention and willingness to pay towards pseudo foreign brands after their true origin disclosure. Therefore, such en experiment will be a valuable contribution to the examination of brand origin discrepancy problem, proving or refuting the validity of previous studies.
Practical implication potential
The number of the companies that have been implementing the foreign branding strategy is considerable and the scope of their operations is large; therefore, the identification of negative influence of the strategy might signal a time for change that may take form of a rebranding process. Additionally, for newly-created companies that are actively emerging within the context of recovering economy, the conformation or disproof of the strategy potential might be a viable starting point in defining their positioning strategy.
The structure of the current research is as follows:
The first chapter is wholly dedicated to the review of the extant research: first, the foreign branding strategy is explicated from brand positioning strategies point of view; then, the underlying principle of foreign branding strategy (country of origin effect) is described together with its limitations and current contingencies; afterwards, the foreign branding strategy itself is approached theoretically, the existing studies on the topic are observed, the limitations and actual problems are elicited. Finally, the interrelation between foreignness integration and product evaluation, purchase intention and willingness to pay together with moderating factors is examined.
The second chapter outlines the methodology of the research. Research goal and objectives to reach this goal, research design and operationalization of concepts further used in the analysis is provided in there.
The third chapter contains discussion of the results of the analysis and managerial implications for companies that consider the employment of the foreign branding strategy. Additionally, it specifies the limitations of the current research.

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    Имеется большой опыт написания творческих работ на различных порталах от эссе до кандидатских диссертаций, решения задач и выполнения лабораторных работ по любым направлениям физики, математики, химии и других естественных наук.
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    Работы пишу исключительно сама на основании действующих нормативных правовых актов, монографий, канд. и докт. диссертаций, авторефератов, научных статей. Дополнительно... Читать все
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