Внедрение Agile подхода в традиционной организации

Калинина Анна Сергеевна
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Целью работы было сформулировать общий механизм перехода организации от текущих процессов к методологии Agile. Для достижения этой цели было проведено несколько кейс-стади. В исследовании были выявлены ситуации, когда традиционные организации могут проводить Agile-трансформацию, разработана схема внедрения Agile и определены вызовы Agile-трансформации для традиционных организаций.

1.1 Relevance of the study

The business environment is changing rapidly nowadays, especially if we take into consideration all the economic crises, catastrophes of the last few years and finally coronavirus pandemic. The ability to react to constantly changing conditions, to predict new changes and to be able to be ahead of the time, to take actions in advance becomes crucial. And while modern companies and start-ups are ready to take these challenges, established companies face a lot of problems while adapting to the new requirements. Agile transformation is one of the possible solutions, that can them to adapt their organizational structure to the new environment. Moving to agile model, however, is not easy for traditional organizations, as there are several different roads and many starting points, but agile transformations all share the common elements described further in this paper.

Agile methods were developed in 90s and then defined in Agile Manifesto in 2001. They formed forming the basis for a revolution in the way software is developed and were the opposite of slow, bureaucratic waterfall methods, that were traditionally used in software development. But in the past decade this revolution increased its footprint as principles to define entire organizations and led to attempts how to apply an agile approach in the industrial companies and what benefits it can have. According to Deloitte survey, only 10% of CEOs considers their organizations to be “highly agile”, and 90% of top managers have an opinion that “agility and collaboration” are very important for their firms. (Deloitte, 2018) If, on the other hand, the company has been traditionally managed, the Agile transformation will entail fundamental transformations in attitudes, values, mindsets, methods of thinking, and ways of engaging with the outside world, ultimately transforming the entire organizational culture. And despite its popularity agile approach can’t be “one and for all” solution, and there is still lack of information of situations in traditional companies, where agile methods can be implied and examples of their successful implementation.

1.2 Research gap and research questions

It is obvious why traditional companies are so interested in agile transformation. According to McKinsey studies, firms and units implementing agile do better financially than those that don’t. (Brosseau et al., 2018) The key goal that managers seek to achieve is for an organization to be able to renew itself and adapt to a fast-changing environment, to be able to swiftly rearrange strategy, structure and processes in order to create and protect value.
However, the problem is that many managers are interested in Agile only because it is a trend, and they start to implement Agile without making a preliminary assessment of the transformation and understanding whether their organization even needs it. At the very least, innovations do not lead to any result, and sometimes they can even worsen the situation, and the company returns to the traditional approach. The goal of my thesis is to formulate a general mechanism for the organization’s transition from current processes to the Agile methodology.

In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to answer the following research questions:
• How does an agile transformation in a traditional organization look like?
• How does an organizational structure change, when implementing an Agile approach?
• What are the main steps for implementing Agile in the traditional organization?

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