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Козьмина Ангелина Николаевна
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В последние десятилетия текущие тенденции в развитии мировой экономики, растущий мировой спрос на энергию, истощение традиционных запасов нефти и газа, энергетическая безопасность, ускоренное научно-техническое развитие и обострение экологических проблем, оказали влияние развитие мировой энергетики. Чтобы поддерживать темпы экономического роста, мировое сообщество должно продолжать совершенствовать методы добычи, использования и транспортировки энергоресурсов, что позволит диверсифицировать источники энергии и снизить энергоемкость мировой экономики. Поэтому одной из современных задач мировой энергетики является разработка нетрадиционных и недоступных региональных энергоресурсов. В данном контексте Арктика является одним из самых перспективных районов.

In recent decades, long-term processes, such as current trends in the development of the world economy, growing world energy demand, depletion of traditional oil and gas reserves, energy security, accelerated scientific and technological development, and aggravation of environmental problems have influenced the development of world energy. To maintain the pace of economic growth, the world community must continue to improve the methods of extraction, use and transportation of energy resources, which will diversify energy sources and reduce the energy intensity of the global economy. Therefore, one of the modern challenges of world energy is the development of unconventional and inaccessible regional energy resources.
To maintain the pace of economic growth, the world community must continue to improve the methods of extraction, use and transportation of energy resources, which will diversify energy sources and reduce the energy intensity of the global economy. Therefore, one of the modern challenges of world energy is the development of unconventional and inaccessible regional energy resources in the Arctic region ..
The world has a huge potential for oil and natural gas resources, which includes remote and inaccessible resources of the Arctic shelf. During the period of steadily high world oil prices, there was an increased interest in the development of these resources from the Arctic states, national and international energy companies. The prospect of developing the hydrocarbon resources of the Arctic shelf lies in the possibility of expanding the resource base and increasing energy security.
Interest in oil and gas fields in the Arctic region began to show in Canada, the USA and Russia in the 1920s. Large-scale discoveries were made in the 1940-1950s, which activated oil and gas production in the fields beyond the Arctic Circle. In the late 1980s, significant discoveries of deposits on the shelf of the Arctic seas took place, which led to a new round of activity in the Arctic region. In a period of steadily high oil prices in
The 2011-2014 years there was an increased interest in the development of the Arctic region from both the Arctic and non-regional states, national and international energy companies. The reasons for this interest include the high oil and gas potential of the Arctic shelf, access to oil and gas resources for large energy importers, the importance of hydrocarbon resources for some Arctic countries as a source of income, and the possibility of diversifying energy resources.
For Russia, the development of Arctic offshore oil and gas resources is a strategic priority, an opportunity to stimulate socio-economic development
Arctic region and contribute to technological modernization of the national oil and gas sector.
In view of the changing geopolitical and geo-economic situation, associated primarily with the fall in oil prices, as well as the sanctions imposed on Russia by the European Union and the United States in 2014, the nature and pace of development of Arctic shelf hydrocarbon resources in Russia is changing. In addition, oil and gas production in the Arctic is associated with a number of technological, climatic and logistical difficulties, as well as a relatively high cost of work compared with other oil and gas provinces. At present, there is a need to revise planning and forecasting mechanisms to assess the prospects for the development of oil and gas resources of the Arctic shelf of Russia for the long term, allowing to take into account national strategic interests in the context of modern macroeconomic trends.
The problems of the development of the Arctic resources of oil and natural gas are considered in the works of Russian and foreign researchers, which highlight some aspects of the development of the hydrocarbon resources of the Arctic shelf. However, the study of the prospects for the development of hydrocarbon resources of the Arctic shelf precisely in the context of world cooperation between the countries has not yet received proper development from the point of view of modern trends in world energy. In view of this, there is a need for scientific substantiation of the prospects for the development of oil and gas resources of the Arctic shelf of the Arctic for the long term and determination of the main directions of cooperation between the Arctic countries.
The research object is to determine the main directions of cooperation between Russian and other countries who play leading roles in oil and gas extraction in the Arctic region.
The tasks of this work are the following:
• Examine and compare how mutual cooperation of Russia with different states develop in
the field of natural resources;
• Explain the risks and potential ways of development of such cooperation;
• Provide description of current joint projects.
While analyzing the topic indicated above different materials were used including review of
relevant information provided by different sources: primary sources such as governmental arctic policies, bilateral agreements and documents of the international organisations (for example the Arctic Council), as well as secondary sources that included scholarly books, articles from professional magazines, newspapers and electronic journals;
The first chapter of this work includes examining the reserves of natural resources and determining its part in general Arctic system and pointing out the main objectives provided by the Russian Arctic policy

The second chapter examines the relations and joint projects of Russia with other Arctic states (the Arctic Council): Denmark, Iceland, Canada, Norway, the USA, Finland, Sweden, as well as the relations with China and France, as the states who play significant role in the region
The third chapter provides the information that influences the current cooperation. The important factors related to cooperation development in the Arctic are different risks evolving in oil and gas resources extraction, such as economic, technological, geo-economic, political, environmental. Moreover this chapter describes the participation of Russian oil and gas transnational corporations in modern international Arctic projects and global scenarios of cooperation in the Arctic against the backdrop of the development of the global economy and energy.

Currently, the Arctic is being maintained as a zone of peaceful cooperation and low political tension. I would like to hope that the cooling of relations between Russia and the West due to the events of 2014 will not affect the activities of the Arctic Council. The armed forces of the Arctic countries have begun to cooperate with a view to monitoring the Arctic territories and joint actions in necessary cases for search and rescue operations. The latest decisions taken by the member countries of the Arctic Council have strengthened the organization, as well as advance their international cooperation. Non-regional powers are more and more involved in mutually beneficial cooperation on specified conditions and its profiling in the desired direction. Such countries are attracted to finance research and environmental programs and projects in the Arctic.
Interest in the Arctic does not wane over time, despite the fact that there is still no answer to the question of which direction the climate is changing – to cooling or warming. The intensity of such interest is expressed in the active development of international intercompany cooperation in the oil and gas sector, aimed at the Far North.
In the Arctic, there are a number of contradictions and specific threats that do not appear anywhere else in the world. Since the expansion of the economic development of the Arctic will be comprehensive, it becomes necessary to coordinate different, sometimes conflicting interests. The main problem is the threat of pollution of the Arctic by oil spills during its extraction and transportation. All countries participating in the Arctic Council recognize the principle of sustainable development, at least theoretically, and express their willingness to develop the Arctic, taking into account the protection of the environment, the preservation of its mineral and biological resources, the interests of future generations and the local population, leading a traditional Lifestyle. However, legally this principle is not fixed anywhere. Despite the lack of reliable oil spill response methods, oil and gas companies are already actively exploring hydrocarbon deposits and are preparing for the development of Arctic deposits.
It is necessary to maintain a balance of interests between mining companies and those who are more concerned about the state of the Arctic nature and the stability of the climate. Currently, this task has not been completed. It is also complicated by some changes in the world market, which increase interest in the extraction of oil rather than gas, although from an environmental point of view, the development of offshore gas reserves is less dangerous.
Currently, a number of Western oil and gas companies have suspended or postponed projects for several years near Alaska, the Beaufort Sea and other places in the Far North. Overall, there is a tendency for western companies that used to cooperate with Russian oil giants, to curtail or postpone their own projects in the Arctic. The expansion of the number of
cooperation agreements with Russian oil and gas companies indicates that they intend to work out technological methods in such a part of the Arctic where less demanding environmental standards are applied, as well as, in case of emergency, take the opportunity to share their own financial risks with partner.
Thus it can be concluded that in the current situation, apparently, for Russia there is no other option but to strengthen self-reliance, increase financial support for domestic Arctic projects and for those Russian enterprises that are involved in the development of the Russian Arctic. At the same time, new prospects are opening up for Russia’s interaction with those non- regional powers that are striving for this.

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