Эволюция городов-побратимов России и Америки после распада Советского Союза

Ратбан Джастин Эндрю
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В данной работе рассматриваются связи между российско-американскими городами-побратимами с 1990-х годов до 2020 года. В ней также кратко описывается концепция города-побратима, предмет, который должен быть более глубоко изучен учеными. В этой композиции было обнаружено, что между основными российско-американскими сестрами существует заметное взаимодействие, что отношения между ними стали более разнообразными с 1990-х годов до первых двух десятилетий 21-го века, и что образовательные связи в значительной степени помогают сохранять российско-американские сестры вместе. Кроме того, эта работа в значительной степени опирается на использование социальных сетей в качестве ресурса для извлечения информации, нового источника для получения данных.

Introduction –

Chapter 1- The Phenomenon of Sister Cities: Notions and Concepts

1.1- What are Sister Cities?
1.2- Sisters, Brothers, Twins or Friendship Cities? Approaches of Feminist and Constructivist Theories
1.3- The Sister City Concept: Postmodernism and the Theory of Realism

Chapter 2- Russian – American Sister Cities

2.1- Сase-Studies on Russian – American Sister City Relationships: Methodology of Selection
2.2- Nine Russian-American Sister City Relationships in Detail

Chapter 3- Sister Cities: Diversity of Relationship

3.1- Russian – U.S. Sister Cities: Moving to Diversity of Relations in 2000’s
3.2- Social Media Representations of Russian – U.S. Sister Cities
3.3- Implications of Russian – American Sister Cities for the Theories of Realism and Postmodernism


Bibliography –


Recently, on the grand stage of American politics the subject of sister city connections has been intertwined with the Democratic Party’s primaries. Former Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders was entangled in a web of drama relating to his desire years ago to find a Soviet sister city for Burlington, Vermont when he was its mayor and because of those efforts and involvement in doing this and his connections to the Soviet Union, Senator Sanders has been scrutinized. Because Sanders is a left wing politician some believe these actions prove he is too radical; therefore his contacts with Yaroslavl have provided fodder for those who have sought to discredit him as a politician who was an unsuitable candidate for the office of the presidency. This provides us with a notable reason as to why the topic of sister cities should be discussed. People need to be aware of what sister city connections are and why they are sought out in order to be able to make sound decisions and judgements about those who choose to participate in the actions of them and create them.

Sister cities are a phenomenon that have exploded onto the international arena since the inception of the twinning movement, which could be dated to have occurred in the mid 20th century. Despite the extensive amount of linkages that exist around the world between sisters the literature on this phenomenon is dreadfully underdeveloped. It is a shame and rather puzzling that social scientists have not uncovered more about what the mushrooming of sister city partnerships means for human interaction and international relations in particular. Such linkages appear to demonstrate the construction of a more globalized world and indicate the erosion of state borders and distances between people. In order to paint a more detailed picture of the globalizing world further study of sister cities by social scientists is a necessity.

In this study an examination is conducted on a narrow segment of the development of sister cities, that of the evolution of Russian – American sister cities since the disintegration of the Soviet Union. This particular academic work was undertaken to elucidate a portion of the history of Russian-American relations, the relations between Russia and America on a municipal level through the concept of sister cities, providing a novel way to look at how subordinate administrative units of these states interact. It is absolutely critical that we understand more about the nature of Russian – American relations, as a compelling argument could be expounded declaring that these two countries coexisting peacefully side-by-side would help to ensure a significantly more stable world, and if we know more about what can bolster relations between these countries we may be able to move toward creating such a situation. Lastly, uncovering more about the nature of Russian-American relations can help us to determine whether or not relations between these countries are as frosty as they seem to be in the contemporary era.

After much research it appears as if Russian – American sister cities have not been analyzed in depth in the academic literature. This makes this dissertation incredibly important for the social scientific community, as it sheds some light on a topic that has not been illuminated in any marked sense. Furthermore, in the sphere of theory, possible explanations for the denomination of sister cities and other synonymous entities will be demonstrated. Additionally, the discussion on how the sister city relates directly to postmodernism will lend significant credibility to those who would argue that we are living in postmodern times or are entering them. This dissertation also shows why realism is not an effective theory that can be used to explain all international relations phenomena. In the practical sense this dissertation will provide some answers as how to forge a stronger relationship between the Russian and American people. When we know what can spoil sister city relationships and what strengthens them we can use that information to build relationships that are more robust. Such knowledge can allow us to help bring forth more peace and less conflict to the world; therefore readers should be mindful of the information disseminated here, and of the conclusions drawn.

This dissertation also makes an attempt to concisely describe what exactly a sister city relationship is and is not, as it will be useful for readers and for the scientific literature. It is completely unacceptable that the literature has done a poor job of this, as this phenomenon has touched practically every corner of the inhabited world making it worthy of clearly defining. It is true that some scholars have worked on describing the sister city, and their contributions will be noted here, yet the most precise definition of a “sister city” will be given as a construction of their ideas blended with those of this dissertation’s author. Without having a clear idea of what the sister city concept is one cannot begin to understand what the relationships between the examined subjects are; therefore the definition of sister cities is provided as the first subject in the first chapter.

This composition has a clear aim and object and subject of study. In the broad sense, Russian-American relations is what is under examination; therefore this is the object of study. In the narrow sense, the subject of the study is Russian-American relations in the context of their sister city relationships. The objectives or aim of this work are manifold. The first objective is to provide an account of how Russian-American sister city relationships have evolved from the end of the Soviet Union to today, the second is to determine how robust the relations between Russian-American cities are in contemporary times as opposed to the 1990’s, the third is to identify what types of interactions are the most common between the sisters to find out how Russian and American cities connect with one another, fourthly the meaning of the relationships is to be discovered, and last but not least to find out what these relationships mean for the concept of the “state.”

The methodology implemented in this dissertation is thorough, and here in the introduction only a partial explanation is shown; later on more details about methodology is provided where appropriate. To be able to aim for a concise dissertation it has been necessary to restrict the analysis in this study to only nine sister city relationships. The membership list of Sister Cities International (SCI) and the sister cities listed on the U.S.-Russia Chamber of Commerce (USRCC) website were used to compile a single list of Russian-American sister cities. These organizations together surely cover practically every single sister city relationship between Russia and the United States that would possibly be active. Active sister cities shall be deemed here to be those that have an active sister city agreement. Of course, a few drawbacks to this method of finding Russian-American sister cities to analyze is that certain relationships may have gone defunct in-between the fall of the Soviet Union until today and could be omitted from the aforementioned lists of subordinate administrative units that would potentially be examined, and there may be some sister cities that are serious but simply are not operating within the framework of SCI or known to the USRCC. However, it should not be much of a problem to leave out defunct relationships from this study, as there are many active ones to choose from which will show the overall trends in the Russian – American sister city relationship, allow for discussion of these relationships up until the contemporary time and the few that may exist outside of SCI and the USRCC would most likely have an insignificant impact on the overall outcome of the results of this research. From SCI the list of many currently active Russian -American members was drawn, and from the USRCC relationships operating outside the framework of SCI were uncovered.

Out of the list of partnerships nine of them were chosen in the following manner. The populations of each city involved in a Russian – American pairing were researched and only those that had larger populations were considered for selection. Only under examination will be currently active Russian-American sister cities that have the highest cumulative population between partners only including cities of American states which would otherwise have more than one partnership represented. Moreover, the relationships studied will only be those which have partners where both of them have populations of over 400,000 people. A descriptive reasoning for these decisions will be given in Section 2.1. After the nine relationships were chosen, information available from social media, websites about the relationships, and various primary sources were used to construct their stories which are told in Section 2.2.

What is the entire scope of the primary sources that are considered in this study? First, reports of people who witnessed or took part in the nine sister city interactions from mass media is one these sources. Second, the content of the original sister city agreements signed and agreed upon by both sisters is considered. Thirdly, photographs relating specifically to these relationships are used in analysis. Fourthly, any reports that sister city organizations have disseminated are inspected. Lastly, speeches that were made about the relationships under examination are looked at as well. In summation, various forms of primary sources are scrutinized to help put together the informational basis of this study.

Now that everything is clear about primary sources, a return to discussing methodology is in order. Content analysis is applied to determine how the relationships changed from the 1990’s to the post 1990’s era. To reveal what the strength of the sisters are nowadays the online presence of them was taken into account which employed the usage of quantitative analysis, and to compare the strength of the relationships in the 1990’s to the last two decades comparative and quantitative analysis was utilized. Additionally, to find what types of interactions are the most shared between the sisters employed the use of content and quantitative analysis. Lastly, theory was applied to understand what these relationships mean for states, and in particular for Russia and the United States and the overall trajectory of the framework of the world order.

In regards to theory, two sections of the first chapter of this dissertation will be devoted to it and there will be another section pertaining to it in the third chapter. In regards to the first chapter the first section about theory will talk about the naming of paired cities and why they may be called as they happen to be. Why is it that in the United States paired cities are called sisters, yet these pairs can be called brothers, friends or twins elsewhere? This is where the application of feminist and constructivist thought will be applied to help explain the assigned names to the partners. The second section of theory in the first chapter covers how the rise of sister cities can be explained through postmodernist theory, as well as a demonstration of refutation of realist thought about international relations in regard to the theme of this paper. In the third chapter, there is a section specifically about how the Russian and American sister cities in specific bolster postmodernist theory and weaken realist theory.

Lastly, it is necessary to make it entirely clear what the structure of this dissertation is. The first section of the first chapter will elucidate the concept of the sister city in general, then the following two sections will briefly discuss feminism, constructivism, realism and postmodernism in relation to it. After this, the second chapter will start off with how the nine specific city relationships were picked to analyze methodologically, then will switch over to talking about all of them in depth in the second section. The third chapter starts with discussion of how the Russian-American sister cities have evolved from the 1990’s until the contemporary era, and is followed by discussion of where Russian-American sister cities are promoted online and what it means in relation to their strength, followed by what the state of postmodernism and realism look like through the lens of Russian and American sister cities.


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    Больше 3 000 экспертов уже готовы начать работу над твоим проектом!

    Дарья П. кандидат наук, доцент
    4.9 (20 отзывов)
    Профессиональный журналист, филолог со стажем более 10 лет. Имею профильную диссертацию по специализации "Радиовещание". Подробно и серьезно разрабатываю темы научных... Читать все
    Профессиональный журналист, филолог со стажем более 10 лет. Имею профильную диссертацию по специализации "Радиовещание". Подробно и серьезно разрабатываю темы научных исследований, связанных с журналистикой, филологией и литературой
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    33 Выполненных работы
    Мария М. УГНТУ 2017, ТФ, преподаватель
    5 (14 отзывов)
    Имею 3 высших образования в сфере Экологии и техносферной безопасности (бакалавриат, магистратура, аспирантура), работаю на кафедре экологии одного из опорных ВУЗов РФ... Читать все
    Имею 3 высших образования в сфере Экологии и техносферной безопасности (бакалавриат, магистратура, аспирантура), работаю на кафедре экологии одного из опорных ВУЗов РФ. Большой опыт в написании курсовых, дипломов, диссертаций.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    27 Выполненных работ
    Яна К. ТюмГУ 2004, ГМУ, выпускник
    5 (8 отзывов)
    Помощь в написании магистерских диссертаций, курсовых, контрольных работ, рефератов, статей, повышение уникальности текста(ручной рерайт), качественно и в срок, в соот... Читать все
    Помощь в написании магистерских диссертаций, курсовых, контрольных работ, рефератов, статей, повышение уникальности текста(ручной рерайт), качественно и в срок, в соответствии с Вашими требованиями.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    12 Выполненных работ
    Екатерина Б. кандидат наук, доцент
    5 (174 отзыва)
    После окончания института работала экономистом в системе государственных финансов. С 1988 года на преподавательской работе. Защитила кандидатскую диссертацию. Преподав... Читать все
    После окончания института работала экономистом в системе государственных финансов. С 1988 года на преподавательской работе. Защитила кандидатскую диссертацию. Преподавала учебные дисциплины: Бюджетная система Украины, Статистика.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    300 Выполненных работ
    Анна В. Инжэкон, студент, кандидат наук
    5 (21 отзыв)
    Выполняю работы по экономическим дисциплинам. Маркетинг, менеджмент, управление персоналом. управление проектами. Есть опыт написания магистерских и кандидатских диссе... Читать все
    Выполняю работы по экономическим дисциплинам. Маркетинг, менеджмент, управление персоналом. управление проектами. Есть опыт написания магистерских и кандидатских диссертаций. Работала в маркетинге. Практикующий бизнес-консультант.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    31 Выполненная работа
    Сергей Н.
    4.8 (40 отзывов)
    Практический стаж работы в финансово - банковской сфере составил более 30 лет. За последние 13 лет, мной написано 7 диссертаций и более 450 дипломных работ и научных с... Читать все
    Практический стаж работы в финансово - банковской сфере составил более 30 лет. За последние 13 лет, мной написано 7 диссертаций и более 450 дипломных работ и научных статей в области экономики.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    56 Выполненных работ
    Родион М. БГУ, выпускник
    4.6 (71 отзыв)
    Высшее экономическое образование. Мои клиенты успешно защищают дипломы и диссертации в МГУ, ВШЭ, РАНХиГС, а также других топовых университетах России.
    Высшее экономическое образование. Мои клиенты успешно защищают дипломы и диссертации в МГУ, ВШЭ, РАНХиГС, а также других топовых университетах России.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    108 Выполненных работ
    Глеб С. преподаватель, кандидат наук, доцент
    5 (158 отзывов)
    Стаж педагогической деятельности в вузах Москвы 15 лет, автор свыше 140 публикаций (РИНЦ, ВАК). Большой опыт в подготовке дипломных проектов и диссертаций по научной с... Читать все
    Стаж педагогической деятельности в вузах Москвы 15 лет, автор свыше 140 публикаций (РИНЦ, ВАК). Большой опыт в подготовке дипломных проектов и диссертаций по научной специальности 12.00.14 административное право, административный процесс.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    216 Выполненных работ
    Татьяна П. МГУ им. Ломоносова 1930, выпускник
    5 (9 отзывов)
    Журналист. Младший научный сотрудник в институте РАН. Репетитор по английскому языку (стаж 6 лет). Также знаю французский. Сейчас занимаюсь написанием диссертации по и... Читать все
    Журналист. Младший научный сотрудник в институте РАН. Репетитор по английскому языку (стаж 6 лет). Также знаю французский. Сейчас занимаюсь написанием диссертации по истории. Увлекаюсь литературой и темой космоса.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    11 Выполненных работ

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