Гиперзвуковые вооружения в российско-американской системе стратегической стабильности
Целью данного исследования является оценка влияния гиперзвуковых вооружений на российско-американскую систему стратегической стабильности. В данной работе приведена оценка гиперзвуковых вооружений, которые разрабатываются Россией и США, оценка возможности включения гиперзвуковых вооружений в существующий базис двустороннего контроля над вооружениями, а также влияние гиперзвуковых вооружений в ядерном и неядерном оснащении на стратегическую стабильность.
1.1. Essentials of hypersonic weapons. 10
1.2. Russian and American hypersonic potentials and prospects for further development. 13
1.3. Perception of the system of strategic stability by Russia and the United States of America. 20
1.4. Existing Arms Control basis regarding hypersonic weapons. 23
2.1. Defining nuclear strategic and non-strategic hypersonic missiles 25
2.2. Game-changer for the bilateral system of strategic stability? 28
2.3. Prospects for further bilateral hypersonic arms control 32
3.1. Defining non-nuclear strategic and non-strategic hypersonic missiles 35
3.2. Discussions on strategic importance of non-nuclear hypersonic weapons 38
3.3. Shift to non-nuclear deterrence? 41
Annex I. 49
Annex II. 50
Annex III. 51
Annex IV. 52
Annex V. 53
Annex VI. 54
The US-Russian bilateral system of strategic stability is one of the core principles opting to maintain peaceful environment for quite a long time. Nuclear weapons, since its development and first use in 1945 by the United States, and further development of such weapons by the USSR, have become a cornerstone of bilateral strategic stability. Emerging technologies, like hypersonic weapons or anti-ballistic missile defense systems, have always been regarded by states as an attempt to gain strategic superiority over one another, which was regarded to undermine the strategic balance and strategic stability.
Hypersonic weapons have been the main focus of media and experts for the last several years. Despite many arguments on the appearance of hypersonic technology, hypersonic weapons are still an emerging technology. Several states are reported to be developing such weapons systems, but Russia and the United States currently are among the most successful states in this field. Russia have already deployed some of its hypersonic systems while the United States’ hypersonic weapons are still in the phase of development and testing.
As an emerging technology, hypersonic weapons may pose a threat to the bilateral systems of strategic stability. Thus, the understanding and analysis of the technology and strategic stability is necessary to determine whether its destabilizing or not. Stagnating negotiations on the Bilateral Arms Control Agreements, which are possibly to cover hypersonic technology in the future, may also change the bilateral system of strategic stability.
The aim of this thesis is to determine whether hypersonic weapons influence the bilateral systems of strategic stability and in what way.
The tasks provided below were formulated in accordance with the aim of the research:
• To trace technologies, capabilities, perceptions and arms control basis to analyze the context of the development of these systems;
• To study nuclear implication of hypersonic missiles and it possible influence on strategic stability system;
• To study conventional use of hypersonic weapons and the influence it may have on the strategic stability system.
The timeline of this thesis includes different periods, because developments of hypersonic weapons have deep roots with different pace of success, but mostly focuses on the period from 2018, the year the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in the Presidential Address revealed Russian hypersonic weapons.
Analysis of primary sources
The primary sources, use for the research, are presented in the following categories: texts of agreements[] and protocols[], states’ official documents[][][][][], doctrines[][][], directives[], statements[][] and speeches of the officials[], international organizations’ reports[] and video materials from officials’ meetings[][]. Texts of agreements and protocols are used as the source of the first-hand information on the existing bilateral arms control basis to analyze whether new types of weapons can be included in this framework. States officials’ statements, directives, speeches and video materials of official meetings provide a good insight on the necessity to develop hypersonic missiles and unveil consideration on the importance of such weapons. Doctrines used in this thesis provide the official perception and consideration on threats and challenges to states, as well as specific direction of strategy and politics of states. Nevertheless, primary sources lack many details which are necessary for the analysis. Furthermore, there is a lot of information from secondary sources such as think-tanks, enterprises affiliated with hypersonic technologies development and other sources, which make it possible to provide the analysis.
Analysis of literature
Different literature used in this thesis is to obtain comprehensive understanding of the issues and to grasp different considerations on the issue, necessary for the analysis of bilateral system of strategic stability between Russia and the United States and the impact of hypersonic technology on the system. The researcher applies to reports of think-tanks and organizations related to the field of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation, such as NTI[], Carnegie Moscow Center[], Arms Control Association[], Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists[], the Union of Concerned Scientists[], PIR Center[], IISS[], CSIS[], the US Congressional Research Service[] and the RAND Corporation[]. The national and international press such as newspapers and magazines, which was used during the analysis, provides a great amount of information on technical specifications and development of hypersonic missiles, as well as on the utility of use of hypersonic weapons in different configuration and it possible influence on strategic stability, as well as states perceptions on the necessity to acquire such weapons. These source include: TASS[], Novosti RBK[], CNN Politics[], Izvestia[], DefenseNews[] and Kommersant[].
Existing literature contains a great majority of studies on the issue of emerging hypersonic weapons and strategic stability:
Russian side of the view on the issue of hypersonic weapons and strategic stability is mostly represented by Alexey Arbatov, Vladimir Dvorkin, Nikolai Sokov and Dmitry Stefanovich. Alexey Arbatov in a series[][][][] of works, which include articles and monograph, provides very useful researches on the perception and the possible use of hypersonic missiles. Alexey Arbatov is researching the utility of use of hypersonic missiles in different configuration and possible targets of such missiles to estimate its influence on strategic stability. Also works of Alexey Arbatov contain thoughts on the necessity to control hypersonic weapons and possible ways to do so. Vladimir Dvorkin dedicates his researches[][][][] to different set of issues regarding strategic stability, hypersonic missiles and bilateral arms control. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that there are several joint works of Vladimir Dvorkin and Alexey Arbatov. Dmitry Stefanovich also dedicates many[][][][] of his papers to the issue of hypersonic weapons through a different perspectives, including arms control and the place of hypersonic weapons in the non-nuclear deterrence, which proved to be extremely valuable for the goal of this thesis. In particular, Dmitry Stefanovich’s papers proved to be very incentive in distinguishing strategic and sub-strategic hypersonic weapons and in providing solid basis for considerations on non-nuclear deterrence.
Another extremely valuable source, presenting the Russian perspective on hypersonic weapons systems and strategic stability is the Russian Journal of the Ministry of Defence of Russia “Military Thought”[][][]. Russian military personnel and military researchers shed the light on the utility of Russian hypersonic missile systems and the objectives behind their development, as well as on the practical implication of hypersonic weapons systems in the context of non-nuclear deterrence. Moreover, articles and works published in the “Military Thought” provide the analysis not only through the political perspective of the issue, but through the military point of view as well.
The most valuable works presenting the American perspective on the issue were conducted by Dean Wilkening[], Spencer A. Warren[], and Rebecca Lissner[]. Dean Wilkening in the paper “Hypersonic Weapons and Strategic Stability” provides a very valuable insight on the practical utility of hypersonic implication of conventional arms by the United States. Nevertheless, the author suggests that conventional use of hypersonic missiles by the United States may have many incentives for escalation of a conflict to a nuclear level. Spencer A. Warren in the article “Avangard and Transatlantic Security” provides the American perception on the nuclear implication of the Russian “Avangard” missile system, suggesting that Russian nuclear-capable hypersonic ICBMs won’t make much difference for the bilateral strategic status-quo. Rebecca Lissner’s research on the topic of “The Future of Strategic Arms Control” provides the perspective and considerations on further steps to preserve and strengthen arms control. Rebecca Lissner’s research also covers hypersonic weapons.
The American military perspective on the issue presented by the Col. Stephen Reny of the USAF[], Lt. Col. Nathan B. Terry of the USAF[] and Major Jeffrey Hill of the USAF[]. Works of military personnel of the United States Air Force are mostly dedicated to examine the necessity for the United States to possess hypersonic weapons. Moreover, they apply different approaches to assess the influence of hypersonic weapons in both nuclear and non-nuclear configurations on the strategic stability between Russia and the United States and China and the United States.
Other works, which haven’t been described in that much of a detail, provide additional valuable information on hypersonic weapons and strategic stability system. Such works contain perceptions of states on the system of strategic stability, some additional technical information, such as computer simulations on hypersonic flight and other necessary information.
Thus, the analysis of literature represent that hypersonic weapons are attracting a significant attention among media, academic researchers and experts. Many sources have different approaches to the issue, thus the academic novelty of this thesis is to accumulate the knowledge on the issue in the attempt to provide the objective analysis of influence of hypersonic weapons on the bilateral system of strategic stability.
This master thesis consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion, annexes, a list of sources and literature, and abbreviations. The first chapter of the thesis represents a comprehensive study of hypersonic technologies which states already possess and are developing, states potentials in the development of hypersonic weapons, perceptions of strategic stability by both sides and the flexibility of arms control basis between Russia and the United States on the inclusion of new types of arms. The research on the influence of nuclear hypersonic weapons is provided in the second chapter. The third chapter concentrates on the assessment of conventional implication of hypersonic weapons and its influence on the system of strategic stability.
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