Государственная поддержка развития авиационной отрасли: мировой опыт и российская практика

Мунирова Эвелина Ильясовна
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Магистерская диссертация посвящена изучению проблем государственной поддержки авиационной отрасли Российской Федерации. Актуальность данного исследования заключается в том, что государственная поддержка в авиационной промышленности может способствовать обновлению производственных фондов, замене морально устаревшего парка оборудования и повышению эффективности использования самолетов. Формирование благоприятного экономического климата является фундаментальным фактором развития отечественной гражданской авиации. Авиационный рынок является глобальным, и доля России в нем постепенно растет. Этот сектор экономики имеет множество проблем, которые требуют решения, поэтому авиационная отрасль не может остаться без внимания. Во введении обоснована актуальность, поставлена цель, задачи, определены объект и предмет исследования. В первой главе раскрываются теоретические предпосылки необходимости государственной поддержки авиационной отрасли. Во второй главе анализируется регулирование авиапромышленности в условиях членства в ВТО, а также рассматриваются потенциально возможные инструменты государственной поддержки. В заключении изложены основные результаты проведенного исследования, сформулированы выводы, представляющие практический интерес.

Being a kind of a global network of commercial aircraft operators, airports, air navigation service providers and the manufacturers of aircraft and components, aviation industry is characterized by a very high knowledge intensity and the need for significant capital investment. It is responsible for connecting the global economy, providing millions of jobs and making modern quality of life possible.
Level of aircraft development precisely describes the technological potential of the country’s economy. Aviation industry is of great importance for the development of the state from the general economic and also scientific perspective. Futhermore, this branch of economy makes it possible to master and launch into production new military, civilian and dual-purpose products.
Nowadays, the Russian aviation industry is experiencing a critical stage in its development. Basically, the existing problems, in many respects, are a consequence of the difficult economic situation of the 1990s. The main constraining factor for growth is the low competitiveness of aircraft products. Thus, the share of Russia in the world civil aviation market is about 1%, while the corresponding indicator of major foreign competitors is many times greater. The reason for low competitiveness is a combination of barriers and problems, so the absence of fundamental changes in the industry may entail a final loss of competitiveness of domestic products on the world market.
It is often claimed that aviation is of significant importance for international trade and national development. Relatively great attention has been paid to the existence of subsidies in this sphere of economy, governments around the world have often been ready and able to intervene in stabilising possible imbalances and boost economy for the futher growth. This is especially so in this time of global economic crisis, when financial bailouts and state intervention by governments are employed to prop up economies. Despite the fact that membership in the WTO limits the range of methods of state support, Russia still has the opportunity to stimulate the industry by adapting the tools of world practice to regional peculiarities.
The relevance of the research study is mainly connected to the fact that state support in the aviation industry can boost the renewal of production assets, the replacement of a morally outdated equipment park, and an increase in the efficiency of aircraft use. The formation of a favorable economic climate is a fundamental factor for the development of domestic civil aviation. The aviation market is global and Russia’s share in it is gradually growing. This sector of the economy has multiple problems that need to be addressed, so aviation industry can not be left without attention.

The aim of this work is to disclose the international and Russian experience in applying government support to the aviation industry, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the Russian aviation industry, disclose the results of Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization in the context of the aviation industry, and to search for most favourable forms of state support that will facilitate competitiveness of this sphere of the economy.
In order to achieve the stated goal, it is necessary to distinguish the following tasks:
• to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the Russian aircraft industry using M. Porter’s “Diamond of Competitiveness”;
• highlight key factors of competitive advantages of the world aviation market leaders;
• to study the consequences of Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization from the position of aircraft industry;
• to highlight most suitable instruments of state support to the Russian aircraft industry that meet the WTO requirements;
• to determine whether the state program for supporting aviation in the Russian Federation corresponds to the needs of the industry;
• to give recommendations on the most promising ways of aircraft industry development.
To achieve the research goal, a wide range of scientific literature dealing with both theoretical and practical questions of competitiveness was used, among them the fundamental research of foreign authors M. Porter, John H. Dunning, M. Enright, P. Krugman, K Lancaster should be mentioned.
The research object of the master’s thesis is the aviation industry, while the subject are the mechanisms of state support for the development of the aviation industry, the identification of trends in the aviation market and the justification of the results obtained.
The statistical and analytical data of national and international organizations, such as the World Trade Organization, the Federal Air Transport Agency, the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Euromonitor, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy of the United Kingdom, served as an information basis for the master’s thesis.
The analysis of the Russian and foreign aviation industry was carried out on the basis of official data of Boeing, Airbus, IATA, United Aircraft Corporation, VSMPO-AVISMA, Rostec websites. Relevant information published on the Internet, as well as materials from the periodical press and news agencies was widely involved in the research work.
The scientific novelty of the thesis is determined by the following provisions:
• analyze the main merits and drawbacks of the Russian aviation industry and outline the factors affecting the competitiveness of the industry;
• consider forms of state support to the aircraft industry widely used in foreign countries;
• highlight the most promising instruments of state support to the aircraft industry in the context of WTO membership;

Regulatory legal acts
• Annex I «Illustrative list of export subsidies» of the WTO Agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures (SCM), pp. 262-263
• Annex I of the Protocol of accession of the Russian Federation, Geneva, 11 December 2011
• Decree №194 of March 15, 2016 approving the rules for granting subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for co-financing the costs of reimbursing part of the costs of implementing investment projects for the modernization and development of industrial enterprises.
• Decree of the Government of the Ulyanovsk region: State program of the Ulyanovsk region “Formation of a favorable investment climate in the Ulyanovsk region” for 2014-2020
• EC (European Commission), Communication from the Commission // Guidelines on State Aid to Airports and Airlines, 2014.
• EC (European Commission), State Aid. Commission Concludes That Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) Did Not Receive State Aid, 2014.
• EU – US Agreement on Large Civil Aircraft 1992: key facts and figures
• Government Decree of Russian Federation № 1073 “On granting subsidies to Russian leasing companies to recover part of the cost of interest on loans” from 22.10.2018
• On the approval of the state program of the Russian Federation “Development of the aviation industry for 2013-2025”: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation № 2509-r of December 24, 2012 // Meeting of the Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, № 53 (part 2)
• Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2008 №217 “About the National Center of Aviation Industry”
• Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 №140 “On Joint-Stock Company United Aircraft Corporation”
• Report of the working party on the accession of China to the World Trade Organization // Ministerial conference 4th Session, 2001, p.46
• Report of the Working Party on the Accession of the Russian Federation to the World Trade Organization, WT/ACC/RUS/70WT/MIN (11)/2, 2011
• Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation № 466 of 26.06.2002 (as amended on November 30, 2017) “On the procedure for refunding to Russian airlines a portion of the costs of paying lease payments for domestic aircraft received by Russian airlines from Russian leasing companies under leasing agreements in 2002- 2010…)
• Strategy of development of the aviation industry of the Russian Federation 2030, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
• The Federal Program “Development of Civil Aviation Equipment in Russia for 2002-2010 and for the Period until 2015” (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 556 of July 7, 2011)
• The law of the Ulyanovsk region “On the property tax of organizations in the territory of the Ulyanovsk region (as amended on September 22, 2017)” Article 2, paragraph 3.1
• WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (“SCM Agreement”)
• WTO Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft, Articles 1 and 2
• WTO Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft, Articles 4.2 and 4.3
• WTO Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft, Article 6.2
• WTO ‘Protocol on the accession of the PRC’, WT/L/432, Decision of 10 November 2001, circulated 03.11.2001.
Books and articles
• Abeyratne R., Megatrends and Air Transport // Legal, Ethical and Economic Issues, 2017, pp. 112- 115
• Andersen P. ‘China’s growing market for large civil aircraft’, Office of Industries Working Paper, United States International Trade Commission, Washington DC, 2008
• Doganis, R. The Airline Business; Routledge: London, UK, 2006, pp. 36-48
• Dunning J.H. The Globalization of Business: the Challenge of the 1990s. N.Y.: Routledge, 1993.
• Enright M. The Geographic Scope of Competitive Advantage // Stuck in the Regional Changing Scales of Regional Identity / Edited by E. Dirven, J. Groenewegen and S. van Hoof, pp. 87-102.
• Fasone V., Kofler L., Scuderi R., Business performance of airports: Non-aviation revenues and their determinants // Journal of Air Transport Management, volume 53, June 2016, pp. 35-45
• Gossling S., Fichert F., Forsyth P., Subsidies in aviation // Journal “Sustainability”, Volume 9, 2017, pp.21-29.
• Juan He WTO-plus commitments and emerging implications for China’s large civil aircraft manufacturing, World Trade Review, volume 13, issue 3, 2014, pp.517-545
• Krugman, P. “Competitiveness—A Dangerous Obsession.” Foreign Affairs 73 (2), 1994, pp. 28–44.
• Isupov A. M. State regulation of aircraft – building clusters of the Russian Federation in conditions of WTO, Vestnik SU, 2013, №4 (105), page 82-87.
• Manturov D.V. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the state program of the Russian Federation “Development of the aviation industry for 2013-2025” // Economic Analysis: Theory and Practice, 2013, pp. 67-78.
• Oatley T. International political economy // University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Edition №5, 2015, pp. 89-93.
• Porter M. E. The Competitive Advantage of Nations // Harvard Business Review, March-April 1990. pp. 77-98
• Pritchard D., MacPherson A., The emergence of Japan as a subsidized competitor in the commercial aircraft sector: the New Trade War // Canada-United States Trade Center, 2008.
• Sokolov V.B. The problem of the strategic effect in international competition // Issues of Economics. 2011 // Issues of Economics № 5, pp. 34-42.
Reports and Internet resources
• Annual report “Building our industrial strategy” // Department for Business, Energy and Industrial strategy, 2017. URL: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/building-our-industrial-strategy
• Boeing current market outlook 2017-2036 URL: www.boeing.com/cmo (Date of the application 12.01.2018)
• Boeing and Russian Technologies/VSMPO-AVISMA Sign Titanium Agreement, URL: http://boeing.mediaroom.com/2010-06-24-Boeing-and-Russian-Technologies-VSMPO-AVISMA-Sign-Titanium-Agreement (Date of the application 21.12.2017)
• Competitive industrial performance report 2012-2013, The Industrial competitiveness of nations: looking back, forging ahead // UNIDO, 2013.
• Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) URL: http://english.comac.cc/products/ca/pi/ – COMAC official website (Date of the application 06.01.2018)
• “Civil Aviation Market Overview 2016-2035”// United Aircraft Corporation, 2016 URL: http://uacrussia.ru/upload/iblock/9f3/9f381b3b71c64fc49e94e91076549c2d.pdf (Date of the application 20.12.2017)
• China’s COMAC Expects Mass Production of C919 Plane After 2021, February 6, 2018 // Bloomberg URL: https://www.bloomberg.com/technology – Bloomberg official website (Date of the application 17.01.2018)
• Current trends in Russian economy: demand for air transportation // Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, №18, 2016 URL: http://ac.gov.ru/files/publication/a/10587.pdf (Date of the application 20.12.2017)
• Iberia Airlines Official Website. FAQs Regarding Resident, 2017. URL: http://www.iberia.com/es/faqs/residents/ (Date of the application 16.03.2018)
• Medium-range passenger aircraft MC-21 URL: http://uacrussia.ru/ru/aircraft/lineup/civil/ms-21 (Date of the application 19.12.2017) – UAC official website
• Report “Means of Ascent: The Aerospace Growth Partnership’s Industrial Strategy for UK Aerospace 2016” // Aerospace Growth Partnership, 2016. URL:https://www.gov.uk
• The course of the negotiation process of Russia’s accession to the WTO URL: http://www.rgwto.com/wto.asp?id=3672&doc_id=6532 (Date of the application 24.02.2018)
• The UAC will enter Rostec// February, 2018 URL: http://www.interfax.ru/russia/597994 – Interfax official website (Date of the application 06.01.2018)
• UAC Consolidated Financial Statements for 2016 URL: http://www.uacrussia.ru/en/investors/financial-information/IFRS-reporting/
• URL: http://mpt.tatarstan.ru (Date of the application 10.03.2018) – Ministry of Industry and Transport of the Republic of Tatarstan
• URL: www.cbr.ru (Date of the application 19.12.2017) – The Central Bank of the Russian Federation
• VSMPO-AVISMA has finalized a new contract with Boeing, Rostec news, 2015 URL: http://rostec.ru/en/news/4516011/ (Date of the application 21.12.2017)
60 billion rubles will be allocated for civil aircraft construction in 2017 // TASS, Economy and business, 18.07.2017 URL: http://tass.ru/ekonomika/4422114 (Date of the application 16.03.2018)

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