Исследовательский анализ данных и оценка эффективностей университетов с использованием DEA и SFA моделирования

Глухов Вадим Николаевич
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Исследование посвящено разработке рейтинга эффективности российских университетов, входящих в мировые рейтинги университетов, с помощью математических подходов оценки эффективности – data envelopment analysis и stochastic frontier analysis. В исследование проведён полный цикл разработки рейтинга – от сбора данных на веб-сайтах с помощью веб-скрепинга до применения моделей. Важными составляющими проведённого анализа также является доказание несостоятельности мировых рейтингов университетов с помощью статистических методов, исследовательский анализ данных и использование метода главных компонент для снижения размерности данных. Для решения указанных задач реализованы программы на языках программирования Python и R.

Introduction 3 Problem Statement 4 Literature review 5
1 Chapter 1. Benchmarking 8
1.1 TheoryofProduction………………….. 8 1.2 Efficiencymeasurementapproaches …………… 9 1.3 DataEnvelopmentAnalysis ………………. 12 1.4 StochasticFrontierAnalysis ………………. 14 1.5 PrincipalComponentAnalysis……………… 18
2 Chapter 2. Data Processing 21
2.1 Datacollection …………………….. 21 2.2 Rankingsconsistency………………….. 23 2.3 Inputsandoutputs …………………… 25 2.4 ExploratoryDataAnalysis……………….. 30
3 Chapter 3. Modeling 35
3.1 DEAranking ……………………… 35 3.2 SFAranking………………………. 36 3.3 Results…………………………. 38 3.4 Furtherdevelopment ………………….. 39
Conclusion 40
Bibliography 41
Appendix 45
Appendix1.Programmingcode……………….. 45

Efficiency measurement of company’s activity plays a vital role in its further development. Managers can assess information how certain depart- ment works and compare it with other departments and branches of the company. This information is crucial, when it is necessary to allocate money and resources inside the company, open new branch or close the existing one.
It is remarkable that not only commercial organizations try to improve their efficiency. Many nonprofit organizations such as public universities, charity funds, society institutions and their activity can be also estimated by numerical approaches.
World university rankings are the most common way to compare uni- versities in different countries across all continents. They are used for about 30 years since they were first developed and they become more and more important guideline for numerous universities. Although these rankings are comprehensive and trustworthy, there are many issues associated with them: small amount of attributes, controversial attributes, different weights of at- tributes. Also, there rankings do not use solid mathematical model, but just a few formulas to aggregate attributes. The purpose of the research is to provide a mathematically consistent analysis to compare universities using well-known intelligible benchmarking approaches such as Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA).

The purpose of the research was the development university rankings for Russian universities presented in all world university ranking using modern benchmarking approaches – data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier analysis.
Required preliminary steps were done: overview of literature, data col- lection, exploratory data analysis, dimensionality reduction of inputs and outputs in order to use SFA modeling.
Classical and modern scientific publications were analysed, several ef- ficiency measurement approaches were introduced with the most important one – Farrell efficiency.
An important step is data collection which was done using two web scrapers written in Python. They gathered data and organized it for further analysis.
Exploratory data analysis helps to understand data and choose the most important variables for further analysis. Also, it shows some interesting facts about universities, such that there are some universities which have dormitory square more than educational and research square.
Principal component analysis was used because there was a problem when the number of observations was less than the number of variables. As some inputs and outputs are highly correlated, it was easy to aggregate them into principal components.
The results of DEA and SFA modeling show that all Russian universi- ties are almost equally efficiency. While DEA ranking assigned equally rank 1 to all universities, SFA showed the distinction in the fourth decimal place

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