Концепт «кризис» в политическом дискурсе и способы его вербализации

Ли Ци Вэй
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Даная работа посвящена выявлению языковых особенностей вербализации концепта «кризис» в политическом медиадискурсе в китайском и английском языках. В исследовании рассматриваются понятия концепта, дискурса и политического медиадискурса, а также лексема концепта «кризис» и ее значения в англоязычных и китайских словарях. Проводится сравнительный и количественный анализ значений лексемы «кризис» по тематическому признаку. Кризис анализируется как комплексное многоуровневое явление, включающее в себя несколько фаз развития, которые имеют свои языковые особенности, выражающиеся в лексической сочетаемости языковых единиц. Объем работы составляет 77 страницы, и включает введение, две главы, заключение и список литературы, содержащий 81 наименований.

Introduction 4
CHAPTER 1. “Concept” as a subject of the study of language 7
1.1 The notion of “concept” in cognitive and cultural linguistics 7
1.2 Methods to analyze “concept” 10
1.3 Discourse in the contemporary-day linguistics. 14
1.4 Media discourse and its features 21
1.5 Characteristics of political discourse. 25
Conclusion of Chapter 1 29
CHAPTER 2. Linguistic units realizing the concept of “crisis” in English and Chinese languages: dictionary definitions 31
2.1. The lexical unit “crisis” in English and Chinese dictionaries. 31
2.2 Ways of the realization of concept of crisis in political media discourse and the analysis of topics and their frequency 39
2.3. Comparative analysis of the lexical units in English and Chinese languages 57
Conclusion of Chapter 2 65
Conclusion 68
References 70
List of illustrative materials 78
Attachments 79
The list of samples of crisis used in political media discourse in English 79
The list of samples of crisis used in political media discourse in Chinese 83

Since the beginning of the 21st century the study of concept has drawn attentions of linguists since its unignorable role in realization of main ideology in a period of time and has been regarded as one of the main ways to understand the system of human thought and the nature of the human psyche. (Ангелова, 2004; Елмслев, 1960) Studying concepts gives linguists a different aspect to understand collective consciousness of society, nations and cultures.
On the opinion of George Orwell, the word “crisis” is often used in different kinds of political discourse, such as political speech, political writing, public communication (Christ’l De Landtsheer & Ofer Feldman, 1998), to express as political crises, economic crises, security crises, energy crises etc.. When “crisis” appears in a discourse, it means that an issue is urgent and threatening to current status, so it is necessary to take several actions to avert a peril (Laura Henderson, 2014). However, the concept of crisis has more than one definition in English and Chinese. For example, in Chinese explanatory and etymological dictionaries “crisis” also means “latent harm or danger” (Xinhua Dictionary), “an extremely dangerous moment” (Mandarin Dictionary of the Ministry of Education). Due to the dynamic of concepts of crisis and its influence on human activities, to analyze it seems important.
Ten Lei’s work “the concept of empire in modern Russian-speaking political discourse” discusses the concept of “empire” in Russian, its lexicographic representation and its interaction with the Russian society. Tatiana Prokofieva (2006) in her thesis devoted to the concept of crisis in modern political discourse has studied the conceptual framework of human being which comprises the concept of crisis and analyzed its verbalization in political discourse. Kondratieva О.N. (2012) has turned her study of the concept of crisis into Russian and Bulgarian media discourse. Slatin A. I. (2016) has studied the meaning of crisis in Russian political and economic discourse. Mishina М. М. (2013) has given the information that the concept of crisis has been used in speeches, publications more frequently in Russia due to the international incidents and events in her work “actualization of global concepts in political discourse”. The work “Representation of the concept of “crisis” in media discourse” provides not only the concepts of crisis both in Russian and in Chinese, but it also compares the similarities and differences of concepts in these languages in publications. In the field of the concept of crisis study it is still lack of the research direction which aims to identify special linguistic features of concept actualization in different languages, the most used meanings of the lexical unit of crisis and to classify different usage.
Taking political discourse as a resource to study the concept of crisis has its relevance. Political discourse serves as a medium to transmit different ideologies, identities and opinions that form concepts of a person. With the development of technology, the connection of individuals tightened, and as a result, political discourse is easier spread across borders. Crisis is usually used as political crisis, economic crisis, energy crisis, etc. in political language. In this thesis, we study its concept based on the contexts, different atmosphere of society, ideologies of time and nations.
The object of the thesis: linguistic units of the concept of crisis actualized in political media discourse.
The aim of the thesis is to identify special linguistic features of concept actualization in English and Chinese media political language.
In accordance with the aim, it’s necessary to implement the following tasks:
1) to compare definitions of the notion crisis in English and Chinese dictionaries;
2) to classify the linguistic features of the lexeme “crisis” in English and Chinese political media discourse;
3) to sort out the verbalization of “crisis” in English and Chinese political media discourse.
Materials: this thesis focuses on English and Chinese political media discourses in the following newspapers: the Economist, the New York Times, the Washington Post, 自由時報 (the Liberty Times Net), 新華社 (the Xinhua News Agency), 蘋果日報 (the Apple Daily)… etc. and definitions from explanatory and etymological dictionaries, such as the Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries, the Online Etymology Dictionary, 新華辭典 (Xinhua Dictionary), 教育部重編國語辭典修訂本 (the Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary) and the 漢典(Hàndiǎn).
Methods used in this thesis: communicative-pragmatic, linguocultural, descriptive and comparative.
The structure of this thesis. The main body of this thesis is consisted of two chapters. In the first chapter, we do literature reviews regarding the understandings of concept, discourse, media discourse and political discourse. Besides, based on the studies in the field of concept, we generalize the methods to analyze concept. In the second chapter, we classify the meanings of crisis both in English and in Chinese from dictionaries, collect examples of the use of crisis from newspapers in English and Chinese which are concerning about politics, compare the concepts, generalize the frequency of the lexical unit, sort out the verbalization of the lexeme. In the conclusion of this thesis, we make a summarize of our study.

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List of illustrative materials
• Illustration 1: Structure of discourse, p.21.
• Table 1: the frequency of the meaning of “crisis” used in English, p.44.
• Table 2: statistics of the meaning of “crisis” used in in different topics, p.45.
• Table 3: the frequency of collocations of “crisis” shown in English newspapers, p.48.
• Table 4: the frequency of the meanings of “crisis” used in Chinese, p.52.
• Table 5: the frequency of collocations of “crisis” shown in Chinese newspapers, p.56.
• Table 6: “crisis” in English and Chinese referred in different phases, p.58.
• Table 7: the similarity and the dissimilarity of collocations in English and Chinese, p.62.

The list of samples of crisis used in political media discourse in English
• “A mental health crisis was spreading on college campuses. The pandemic has made it worse.” , Lauren Lumpkin // the Washington Post. March 30, 2021.
• “After Perilous Atlantic Journey, Migrants Await Their Fate in Canary Island Hotels”, Raphael Minder the New York Times Dec. 5, 2020.
• “At Least 74 Drown in Wreck Off Libya, U.N. Agency Says”, Michael Levenson // the New York Times. Nov. 12, 2020.
• “Biden’s considering reforming the Supreme Court. That’s happened during every crisis in U.S. democracy.”, Thomas M. Keck // the Washington Post . April 13, 2021.
• “E.U. Border Agency Accused of Covering Up Migrant Pushback in Greece”, Matina Stevis-Gridneff // the New York Times. Nov. 26, 2020.
• “E.U. Border Agency Pulls Out of Hungary Over Rights Abuses”, Monika Pronczuk, Benjamin Novak // the New York Times. Jan. 27, 2021.
• “Hundreds of Migrants Stranded in Freezing Weather in Bosnia”, Elian Peltier, Joe Orovic // the New York Times. Dec. 31, 2020.
• “Publisher Halts Promotion of Cuomo Book, Citing Nursing Homes Inquiry”, J. David Goodman, Jesse McKinley // the New York Times. March 8, 2021.
• “Refugee Who Set Herself on Fire in Greece Is Charged With Arson”, Niki Kitsantonis // the New York Times. Feb. 25, 2021.
• “Syria Seeks Return of Refugees, but They Fear Leader’s Wrath”, Ben Hubbard // the New York Times. Nov. 12, 2020.
• “Turned Back by Italy, Migrants Face Perilous Winter in Balkans”, Emma Bubola, Gaia Pianigiani // the New York Times. July 2, 2020.
• “What you should know about USPS — and how it descended into crisis”, Jacob Bogage // the Washington Post. March 16, 2021.
• “Why This Contentious Transition Is So Perilous for the Economy”, Austan Goolsbee // the New York Times. November 13, 2020.
• A crisis in Jordan reveals a stagnant and repressive regime, Editorial Board // the Washington Post. April 5, 2021.
• A hunger strike in Cuba reveals a deepening crisis, Editorial Board // the Washington Post . April 2, 2021.
• A lawmaker’s aide called school-shooting survivors crisis actors. Within hours, he was fired. Marwa Eltagouri // the Washington Post. Feb. 21, 2018.
• After early success, S. Korea sleepwalks into virus crisis, Kim Tong-Hyung // the Washington Post . Dec. 26, 2020.
• As Myanmar protesters torch Chinese factories, workers are caught in spiraling crisis, Lily Kuo and Shibani Mahtani // the Washington Post. March 17, 2021.
• Biden taps Harris to handle border crisis, Sean Sullivan and Jacqueline Alemany // the Washington Post. March 25, 2021.
• Congress approves plan to roll back post- financial-crisis rules for banks, Erica Werner and Renae Merle // the Washington Post. May 23, 2018.
• Coronavirus Crisis Offers Taiwan a Chance to Push Back Against China, Javier C. Hernández, Chris Horton // the New York Times. April 22, 2020.
• Covid-19 is fuelling a Zoom-boom in cosmetic surgery, Treviso // the Economist. Apr 11th, 2021.
• Crisis Upon Crisis in Venezuela, The Editorial Board // the New York Times. March 29, 2017.
• Dark days: Experts fear the holidays will fuel the US crisis, Stefanie Dazio, Tamara Lush // the Washington Post. Dec. 24, 2020.
• Germany faces ‘crisis of trust’ in pandemic, president says, Associated Press // the Washington Post. April 3, 2021.
• GOP lawmakers unable to get Mayorkas to say Biden administration facing a ‘crisis’ at border, John Wagner, Colby Itkowitz // the Washington Post. March 18, 2021.
• He was Nigeria’s biggest Scrabble star. The pandemic spelled identity crisis, Danielle Paquette // the Washington Post. March 31, 2021.
• How Likely Is a Financial Crisis in China? Patrick Hess // the Diplomat. November 17, 2015.
• In Praise of Janet Yellen the Economist, Paul Krugman // the New York Times. Nov. 26, 2020.
• Inventing a Crisis, Paul Krugman // the New York Times. Dec. 7, 2004.
• Making the Most of the Coming Biden Boom, Paul Krugman // the New York Times. Nov. 19, 2020.
• Racism is also a public health crisis, Leni Preston, Bethesda // the Washington Post . April 11, 2021.
• Rebel attacks deepen humanitarian crisis in north Mozambique, Andrew Meldrum // the Washington Post. March 30, 2021.
• The (Way Too Many) Kids Whose Lives Have Been Upended by Gun Violence, Rob Walker // the New York Times. March 25, 2021.
• The border crisis is about human pain and desperation. Why can’t the media grasp this? León Krauze // the Washington Post. March 24, 2021.
• The border is a ‘crisis’ — and also Biden’s first big mistake, Kathleen Parker // the Washington Post. March 27, 2021.
• The bumps ahead for Joe Biden’s plan to decarbonise America // the Economist. Apr. 10th, 2021.
• The case that may crack LA’s homeless crisis, Hugh Hewitt // the Washington Post. April 10, 2021.
• The Crisis for Birds Is a Crisis for Us All, John W. Fitzpatrick, Peter P. Marra // the New York Times. Sept. 19, 2019.
• The demographic shift that gave Trump the presidency — and now threatens his party more than ever , Philip Bump // the Washington Post. August 16, 2017.
• The European Union’s vaccine fiasco exposes a deep crisis of leadership, James McAuley // the Washington Post. March 19, 2021.
• The future of work // the Economist. Apr 9th, 2021.
• The Nation; Crisis, What Crisis? Rob Walker // the New York Times . July 14, 2002.
• The Refugee Crisis Is Humanity’s Crisis, Brad Evans, Zygmunt Bauman // the New York Times. May 2, 2016.
• The Suez Canal ship is free, but the shipping industry’s ‘humanitarian crisis isn’t over, Antonia Noori Farzan // the Washington Post. March 31, 2021.
• Trump declares the opioid crisis a public health emergency, Jenna Johnson, John Wagner // the Washington Post. Oct. 26, 2017.
• What Republicans really mean when they blast the ‘border crisis’ Greg Sargent // the Washington Post. March 17, 2021.

The list of samples of crisis used in political media discourse in Chinese
• “缺芯”危机背后: 国产半导体负重前行, 金朝力 // the People’s Daily. February 18, 2021.
• 【台鐵出軌】立院交通委員會明考察邊坡改善工程 檢討工地主任管理機制, 黃韋銓 // the Apple Daily . April 11, 2021.
• 【台鐵該做未做】設遠端監控系統 監看火車即時動 態影像, 佘通權 // the Apple Daily, April 8, 2021.
• 也⻔人道主义危机持续恶化, 周 輖 // the People’s Daily. July 16, 2020.
• 土耳其和欧盟领导人就经济和移民等问题举行会谈, 郑思远, 施 // the Xinhua News Agency. April 7, 2021.
• 不能让“新冷战”成为人类新挑战, 郝薇薇 // the Xinhua News Agency. February 16, 2016.
• 中国人权研究会发表文章指出,美国对外侵略战争造成严重 人道主义灾难, 王娣 // the Xinhua News Agency. April 9, 2021.
• 中国常驻联合国副代表呼吁推动叙利亚危机早日结束, 马俊卿 // the Xinhua News Agency. March 16, 2021.
• 中國高官認:自製疫苗效力差, 大陸中心 // the Apple Daily. April 12, 2021.
• 中澳煤炭之爭波及貨船船員 千人受困海上數月 , 吳柏緯, 翟思嘉 // the Central News Agency . December 27, 2020.
• 公投案通過內閣總辭? 趙天麟:非由蘇內閣單獨負擔成敗, 謝君臨 // the Liberty Times Net. April 12, 2021.
• 日本決定將福島核污水排入海 環團:突顯核電廉價是假象, 楊綿傑// the Liberty Times Net. April 13, 2021.
• 王丹專欄:新的軸心國正在成形, 王丹 // the Apple Daily. April 13, 2021.
• “世衛:往後仍會爆疫情 世人當牢記COVID-19
• 教訓”, 紀錦玲 // the Central News Agency. December 27, 2020.
• 加深合作 战胜危机 花 放 // the People’s Daily. September 27, 2020.
• 外媒:拜登政府面临20年来最大“边境危机”, 王丙⻜ // the People’s Daily. March 18, 2021.
• 央行爆嚴重內鬨!理事出書抨擊貨幣政策 總裁楊金 龍親發公開信回嗆, 萬千華 // the Apple Daily. April 9, 2021.
• 伊朗认为美国调整也门政策无助化解危机, 新华社微特稿 // the Xinhua News Agency. February 8, 2021.
• 全球半導體短缺 三星等業者籲南韓政府支持晶片製造, 陳韻婷 // the Apple Daily. April 9, 2021.
• 团结合作战危机,全球治理开新局, 经祎 // the People’s Daily. November 20, 2020.
• 別被中國比下去!比特幣多頭籲速推數位美元 否則美將陷「生存危機」 林文彬 // the Apple Daily. April 10, 2021.
• 局勢緊張!俄兵力集結烏克蘭邊境 美警告勿輕舉妄動, 國際中心 // the Apple Daily. April 12, 2021.
• 決戰公投 ⺠進黨確定不提對案 柯建銘:共同決定共同承擔, 呂晏慈,林惟崧 // the Apple Daily. April 11, 2021.
• 防台海危機 美中台專家籲加強傳遞訊號增進互信, 尹俊傑 // the Central News Agency. December 25, 2020.
• 招了! 中國CDC主任坦承「中國疫苗效力低」, 陳成良 // the Liberty Times Net. April 11, 2021.
• 長賜輪之亂還在燒!港口貨櫃大塞車 全球供應鏈緊張加劇, 財經中心 // the Apple Daily. April 9, 2021.
• 俄防長:正進行部隊演習 因應北約軍事威脅, 陳正健 // the Central News Agency. April 13, 2021.
• 俄軍壓境烏東嗆移防 美雙艦下週前進黑海, 張沛元 // the Liberty Times Net. April 10, 2021.
• 俄烏邊界緊張 土耳其總統艾爾段:堅決捍衛烏克蘭領土完整, 國際中心 // the Apple Daily. April 11, 2021.
• 叙利亚难⺠危机缘何难解, 王晋 // the People’s Liberation Army Daily. December 1, 2020.
• 拜登任內第1人 華郵:美氣候特使凱瑞擬近日訪中, 孫宇青 // the Liberty Times Net. April 11, 2021.
• 拜登首高官訪中 美氣候特使本周抵上海, 國際中心 // the Apple Daily. April 12, 2021.
• 指盧秀燕不了解!中火燃煤機組不能拆 莊秉潔:就怕出現這狀況, 蘇金鳳 // the Liberty Times Net. April 11, 2021.
• 美国密西西比州首府供水危机持续, 张梦旭 // the People’s Daily. March 16, 2021.
• “美情報機構:中國2040將迫台更接近統一” 孫宇青 // the Liberty Times Net. April 10, 2021.
• 美媒:俄罗斯装甲大军正涌向俄乌边境,危机迫在眉睫, 徐璐明 // the Global Times. April 1, 2021.
• 美联航危机处理很“灾难”, 夏文辉 // the Xinhua News Agency. April 13, 2017.
• 美墨边境难⺠危机暴露美式人权虚伪本质, 柳丝 // the Xinhua News Agency. March 26, 2021.
• 美墨边境移民危机持续发酵, 张梦旭 // the People’s Daily. April 12, 2021.
• 首艘萬噸級兩棲運輸艦「玉山艦」亮相 46億元打 造!可變戰醫院投入救災, 政治中心 // the Apple Daily . April 13, 2021.
• 党员干部要善于破解三种“危机”, 陈选甫 // the People’s Daily, November 9, 2020.
• 海外版望海楼:危机中的大国担当, 张 红 // the People’s Daily. December 15, 2020.
• 海湾断交危机有望化解 沙特、卡塔尔表乐观, 王宏彬 // the Xinhua News Agency. December 6, 2020.
• 破解气候环境危机国际论坛召开, 牛广文 // the People’s Daily. September 23, 2020.
• 破解气候环境危机国际论坛在京召开, 暨佩娟, 敬宜 // the People’s Daily. September 24, 2020.
• 國際特赦組織示警!台灣防疫監控威脅人⺠隱私 立委要求:疫情結束後應斷開, 吳紹瑜 // the Apple Daily. April 7, 2021.
• 執政黨切割青瓦台 文在寅恐淪「跛腳鴨」, 國際中心 // the Apple Daily. April 9, 2021.
• 教宗耶誕文告 籲疫情中勿讓利益凌駕愛的法則, 曾依璇 // the Central News Agency. December 26, 2020.
• 無恥緬軍扣屍 索二千五才放行, 吳巧曦 // the Apple Daily. April 13, 2021.
• 联合国欢迎IMF和世行采取措施应对疫情引发的债务问题, 王建 // the Xinhua News Agency. April 10, 2021.
• 新华社评论员:在危机中育新机,于变局中开新局, 尹世杰 // the Xinhua News Agency. May 24, 2020.
• 新冠肺炎疫情或致美国制造业深陷衰退危机, 许缘, 高攀 // the Xinhua News Agency. April 2, 2020.
• 緬甸GDP恐萎縮20% 茶館:不知能生存多久, 劉利貞 // the Apple Daily. April 13, 2021.
• 黎巴嫩总统希望埃及的努力有助于化解黎组阁危机, 刘宗亚 // the Xinhua News Agency. April 8, 2021.
• 黎巴嫩政府辞职难解当前危机, 李良勇 // the People’s Daily. August 11, 2020.
• 伟大祖国是香港战胜疫情和一切⻛险的坚强后盾, 新华社记者 // the Xinhua News Agency. August 3, 2020.
• 张德江分别会⻅希腊总统、总理, 梁业倩 // the Xinhua News Agency. June 17, 2010.
• 新版美台交往準則 程建人:現在可以做 也可公開說, 彭琬馨 // the Liberty Times Net. April 11, 2021

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    Специальность "Государственное и муниципальное управление" Кандидатскую диссертацию защитил в 2006 г. Дополнительное образование: Оценка стоимости (бизнеса) и госфин... Читать все
    Специальность "Государственное и муниципальное управление" Кандидатскую диссертацию защитил в 2006 г. Дополнительное образование: Оценка стоимости (бизнеса) и госфинансы (Казначейство). Работаю в финансовой сфере более 10 лет. Банки,риски
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    Оксана М. Восточноукраинский национальный университет, студент 4 - ...
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    Возможно выполнение работ по правоведению и политологии. Имею высшее образование менеджера ВЭД и правоведа, защитила кандидатскую и докторскую диссертации по политоло... Читать все
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    Анна К. ТГПУ им.ЛН.Толстого 2010, ФИСиГН, выпускник
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    Я научный сотрудник федерального музея. Подрабатываю написанием студенческих работ уже 7 лет. 3 года назад начала писать диссертации. Работала на фирмы, а так же помог... Читать все
    Я научный сотрудник федерального музея. Подрабатываю написанием студенческих работ уже 7 лет. 3 года назад начала писать диссертации. Работала на фирмы, а так же помогала студентам, вышедшим на меня по рекомендации.
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    Екатерина Б. кандидат наук, доцент
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    После окончания института работала экономистом в системе государственных финансов. С 1988 года на преподавательской работе. Защитила кандидатскую диссертацию. Преподав... Читать все
    После окончания института работала экономистом в системе государственных финансов. С 1988 года на преподавательской работе. Защитила кандидатскую диссертацию. Преподавала учебные дисциплины: Бюджетная система Украины, Статистика.
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    Анна В. Инжэкон, студент, кандидат наук
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    Выполняю работы по экономическим дисциплинам. Маркетинг, менеджмент, управление персоналом. управление проектами. Есть опыт написания магистерских и кандидатских диссе... Читать все
    Выполняю работы по экономическим дисциплинам. Маркетинг, менеджмент, управление персоналом. управление проектами. Есть опыт написания магистерских и кандидатских диссертаций. Работала в маркетинге. Практикующий бизнес-консультант.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
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    Рима С.
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    Берусь за решение юридических задач, за написание серьезных научных статей, магистерских диссертаций и дипломных работ. Окончила Кемеровский государственный универси... Читать все
    Берусь за решение юридических задач, за написание серьезных научных статей, магистерских диссертаций и дипломных работ. Окончила Кемеровский государственный университет, являюсь бакалавром, магистром юриспруденции (с отличием)
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
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    Лидия К.
    4.5 (330 отзывов)
    Образование высшее (2009 год) педагог-психолог (УрГПУ). В 2013 году получено образование магистр психологии. Опыт преподавательской деятельности в области психологии ... Читать все
    Образование высшее (2009 год) педагог-психолог (УрГПУ). В 2013 году получено образование магистр психологии. Опыт преподавательской деятельности в области психологии и педагогики. Написание диссертаций, ВКР, курсовых и иных видов работ.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
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    Дарья С. Томский государственный университет 2010, Юридический, в...
    4.8 (13 отзывов)
    Практикую гражданское, семейное право. Преподаю указанные дисциплины в ВУЗе. Выполняла работы на заказ в течение двух лет. Обучалась в аспирантуре, подготовила диссерт... Читать все
    Практикую гражданское, семейное право. Преподаю указанные дисциплины в ВУЗе. Выполняла работы на заказ в течение двух лет. Обучалась в аспирантуре, подготовила диссертационное исследование, которое сейчас находится на рассмотрении в совете.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    18 Выполненных работ
    Ксения М. Курганский Государственный Университет 2009, Юридический...
    4.8 (105 отзывов)
    Работаю только по книгам, учебникам, статьям и диссертациям. Никогда не использую технические способы поднятия оригинальности. Только авторские работы. Стараюсь учитыв... Читать все
    Работаю только по книгам, учебникам, статьям и диссертациям. Никогда не использую технические способы поднятия оригинальности. Только авторские работы. Стараюсь учитывать все требования и пожелания.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
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