Кооперативные игры на гиперграфах
В данной работе построенна кооперативная игра с коммуникационной структурой представленной в виде гиперграфа. Определена характеристическая функция для коалиций состоящих из гиперребер. Предложено концептуально новое решение игры. Составлен программный алгоритм для решения некоторого класса таких игр. Решение продемонстрировано на примерах вычисленных вручную и с помощью программы.
Introduction………………………….. 3
Chapter 1.Cooperative game without communication structure 4
Chapter 2.Cooperative game on subclass of hypergraph . . . . 9
2.1. Preliminaries …………………….. 9
2.2. Definitionofthegame ………………… 9
2.3. Cooperation……………………… 10
2.3.1 Firststep…………………….. 11
2.3.2 Secondstep …………………… 12
2.3.3 Thirdstep ……………………. 13
2.4. Example……………………….. 13
Chapter3.Generalizationofthegame. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.1. Preliminaries …………………….. 18
3.2. Definitionofthegame ………………… 20
3.3. Cooperation……………………… 21
3.3.1 Firststep…………………….. 21
3.3.2 Secondstep …………………… 23
3.3.3 Thirdstep ……………………. 23
3.4. Example……………………….. 24
Chapter4.Softwareimplementation …………….. 33
Conclusion…………………………… 44
References…………………………… 45
Appendix …………………………… 47
In a classical way for group N := 1, …, n of agents the economic possi- bilities of each subgroup are described by cooperative game (N, v), where N is a set of players and v is a characteristic function. The characteristic function shows the power of each coalition. In this paper, we assume the cooperative game with transferable utility or TU-games.
Classically in this game, we assume that each subset of players can decide to cooperate and the total payoff of this cooperation can be distributed among the players. But in many practical situations, not all players can communicate with each other due to some economic, technological or other reasons, thus some coalitions cannot be created. It is the class of TU-games with limited coopera- tion. The communication structure can be introduced by an undirected graph. In this way, just players who have a link between them can cooperate. These games were first studied in Myerson (1977)[1], he introduced games on a graph and characterized the Shapley value[2]. Hereafter, games with communication structure have received a lot of attention in cooperative game theory. Owen (1986)[3] studied games where the communication structure is a tree. The po- sition value for games where communication structure is given by a graph is introduced by Meessen (1988)[4].
But generally, the communication structure can be given by a graph or hypergraph. For example, it can be some companies or sports teams. Coopera- tion between two organizations is only possible if they have at least one member in both of them.
The TU-games on hypergraph were studied by Nouweland, Borm and Tijs (1992)[6], they characterized the Mayerson value and the position value for these games. The third value, which is called degree value for the games with hypergraph communication structure was introduced in E.Shan G.Zhang X.Shan (2018)[7]. Many allocation rules for TU-games with a hypergraph com- munication structure can be proposed based on some different interpretations. The Myerson value highlighting the role of the players, the position value focuses on the role of communication. In this paper, we introduced a new allocation rule for TU-games on the hypergraph.

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