Лингвистические особенности дискурса интервью в программе BBC «Hard Talk»
В данной работе проводится исследования коммуникативного феномена “дискурс”. В ходе исследования был проведен дискурсивный анализ интервью программы BBC HARDtalk с последующим выявлением лингвистических особенностей дискурса.
We are not the first researchers who aim to analyse such complexed and compounded communicative phenomenon as discourse. In this work we will survey several the most essential approaches that, we think, may play crucial role in the development of our scientific work. We chose several works of the Austrian, American, Dutch, British, and French scholars, philosophers and researchers.
The relevance of the study is conditioned by the extreme increase of the influence of media in the world that shapes minds and offers opinions. The research will be conducted in order to define particular features that are specific to the media discourse.
The scientific novelty is conditioned by the fact that the research of the BBC HARDtalk media discourse is deeply examined for the first time. The work may be used in the future research works in the field of discourse analysis.
The object of the research is the BBC HARDtalk interview.
The subject of the research are linguistic features of the discourse of interview.
Hypothesis of the work is that despite linguistic features that are typical for the media discourse, the discourse of the HARDtalk contains allusions, other discourses and extreme amount of power relations.
The aim of the work is to examine the notion “discourse” and provide discourse analysis of the HARDtalk interview.
The aim of the work defined the following tasks:
• Study the concept of “discourse”.
• Study the media discourse as a form of communicative phenomenon.
• To analyse the interview of Secretary-General of the UN António Guterres.
• To provide the linguistic features of the interview.
The methods that were implemented during the research:
• Description
• Comparison
• Context and text analyses
• Social analysis
• Linguistic analysis
The theoretical base was presented by the works of Teun van Dijk, Ruth Wodak, Ferdinand de Saussure, Ludwig Wittgenstein and others.
The material of the research was the BBC HARDtalk interview.
The structure of the work consists of introduction, two chapters and conclusions. The novelty of the work is presented in the introduction. The first chapter examine the theoretical framework. In the second chapter the interview is being analysed. The conclusions consist of the most essential directions of the study.
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• Harris R. Language, Saussure and Wittgenstein. Routledge, 1988. 133 pp.
• Jorgensen M., Phillips L.J. Discourse Analysis as Theory and Method. Sage, 2002. 229 pp.
• Kristeva J. Word, dialogue and novel. The Kristeva Reader. Oxford, 1986. 61 pp.
• Laclau E. New reflections on the revolution of our time. London: Verso, 1990. 263 pp.
• Potter J. Discursive psychology and discourse analysis. New Jersey, Rutgers. The State University of New Jersey, 2011. 104–119 pp.
• Potter J., Wiggins S. Discursive psychology. Sage, 1992. 73–90 pp.
• Simons H.W., Billig M. Inquiries in social construction series. After postmodernism: Reconstructing ideology critique. Sage, 1994. 258 pp.
• Stuckey H. Methodological issues in interviews. Journal of Social Health and Diabetes 1(2):56. 2013, 4 pp.
• Van Dijk T. A. Text and Context. New York: Longman, 1997. 261 pp.
• Van Dijk T.A. Ideology. London: Sage. 1998, 365 pp.
• Van Dijk T.A. Power and the News Media. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. 1995, 9-36 pp.
• Wittgenstein L. Philosophical Investigation. Basil Blackwell Ltd., 1958. 250 pp.
• Wittgenstein L. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. London: Kegan Paul, 1922. 581 pp.
• Wodak R., Meyer M. Methods of critical discourse analysis. Sage, 2001. 371–393 pp.
Digital Resources
• 2014-2016 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa [Digital resource] // Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. URL: https://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/history/2014-2016-outbreak/index.html (date of the request 05.05.2021)
• Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Masks [Digital resource] // World Health Organization. URL: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/coronavirus-disease-covid-19-masks (date of the request 05.05.2021)
• IMF Conditionality [Digital resource] // International Monetary Fund. URL: https://www.imf.org/en/About/Factsheets/Sheets/2016/08/02/21/28/IMF-Conditionality#:~:text=When%20a%20country%20borrows%20from,able%20to%20repay%20the%20IMF (date of the request 05.05.2021)
• Milton Friedman on Donahue [Digital resource] // YouTube. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvNzi7tmkx0 (date of the request 27.04.2021)
• THE ELEPHANT MAN – Interview with John Hurt [Digital resource] // YouTube. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-5OBaRLacU (date of the request 27.04.2021)
• UN launches major humanitarian appeal to keep COVID-19 from ‘circling back around the globe’ [Digital resource] // UN News. URL: https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/03/1060222 (date of the request 05.05.2021)
• US report accuses China of ‘digital authoritarianism’ [Digital resource] // BBC News. URL: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-53490042 (date of the request 05.05.2021)
• António Guterres, UN Secretary General – BBC HARDtalk [Digital resource] // YouTube. URL: António Guterres, UN Secretary General – BBC HARDtalk – YouTube (date of the request 05.05.2021)
• The next outbreak? We’re not ready [Digital resource] // Ted. Ideas worth spreading. URL:
https://www.ted.com/talks/bill_gates_the_next_outbreak_we_re_not_ready/up-next?language=dz (date of the request 05.05.2021)

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