Основные способы прогнозирования действия новых акторов международных отношений в условиях мягкой силы

Кузняков Дмитрий Константинович
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Выпускная квалификационная работа посвящена основным способам прогнозирования акторов международных отношений. Были исследованы принципы прогнозирования акторов и их место в контексте мягкой силы. Также были представлены параметры игры и модели игр, которые влияют на процесс принятия решений. Также ВКР включает в себя кейс, в котором были проанализированы ключевые аспекты создания прогноза.

The Relevance of the topic. The globalization and digitalization processes started the changing of international relations. New actors have come to the world arena, which influenced the reality and world order. The new system of intentional relations faced new challenges and new connections between different institutions, most of them are new to the world. It makes it possible to find and use new sources and resources and change the sense of power in previous understanding. The one that thing stayed as it was the power in any of its forms is the aim of actors.
J. Nye was one of those who tried to define this new way of controlling power. His idea of soft power became a response to uncertainty in previously apparent processes. “Soft Power” as a conception became a new instrument which started to be interesting for all actors of intentional relations. This idea started to be one of the concepts of new the world order. The conception was proposed without a strict frame; this makes it a theme of significant discussion. The idea of predicting something is a critical conception of control circumstances. That’s why a prediction is essential to understand how this or that decisions can be seen.
The borders of globalization change the existed borders of power understanding. In a new era, military power such as a number of tanks, nuclear missiles, a number of soldiers and others became meaningless in comparison with the level of life, legal system and economics success the ability to attract become something more than fear of the weapon.
This creates a situation of willing to control and understand the ongoing process. That start the interest to predict and analyze this process.
The Object of the master thesis is – the international actors in the soft power process.
The Subject of master thesis is – prediction analytics of soft power actors’ actions.
Aim of master thesis: To define main features in prediction of actors in soft power context and possibilities of predictions.
To reach this aim were formulated extra tasks:
• To determine new possible sources and resources of soft power.
• To determine the possibility of predicting actors by their differences in their place in soft power.
• To study the theoretical foundations of the concept of “soft power” formulated by foreign and domestic researchers.
The Geographical framework of the study: the process of globalization changed the borders and speed of processes, that’s why narrowing the frames its tough question and even can be a denial of some objective data.
The degree of elaboration of the topic: The theme of power and influence has always been one of the most relevant in the theory of international relations. In their works, representatives of all theoretical schools addressed her: realism, liberal tradition, geopolitics, structuralism. The nature of the power of international actors was written by G. Morgenthau3, K. Norr4, J.Mirsheimer , R.Kline, K.Waltz, G. Kissinger, W. Fulbright and others. The nuances of the phenomenon of “power”, which can also be expressed in the form of power, influences, powers, were theoretically developed in the works of A.Wolpers, J. Hart, R.Arona. A significant contribution to the understanding of the transformations that have occurred with the phenomenon of “power” in international relations, with the advent of the era of globalization, has been made by the studies of R. Cohan and J. Nye, D. Baldwin, S. Strange.
The concept of “soft power”, was formulated by Harvard scientist J. Nye, opened a new page in theoretical and practical research of the phenomenon of “power” in international relations. In the figurative expression of J. Mattern, the concept of “soft power” has captured the imagination of both scientists and politicians around the world. Some researchers concentrated on criticism, refinements and theoretical development of the concept of “soft power” (for example, Ying Fan, R. Biegon, A. Bohas, C. Lane, R. Cooper, E. Wilson, J. Melissen) , others based on the ideas of J. Nye, they formulated and presented to the international community their author’s concepts of power in the era of globalization (for example, the concepts of M. Kounalakis and A. Simony, L. Rochelle, A. Miskimmon, B. O‘Laughlin, J. Gallarotti and A. Vuving).
Another important place of soft power is a Russian school of soft power researchers. N. Tsvetkova, and A. Vladimirovoy, V. Koroleva, A. Trunin made a great contribution to the understanding of foreign cultural policy, higher education programs, student exchanges, and public diplomacy and many other basic tools of soft power.
In the same time school of prediction was developing. Game theory is one of the most popular concepts of interaction between different players. The game theory got popularity because of its ability to find or create circumstances for analysis. Game theory is a vast verity of models throw which there are: math algorithms, prisoners dilemma, Nash equilibrium, trees of games and many other.
This helps to determine different activity with different approaches. For prediction, theories are one of the most important parts of analysis in international relations because theory influence on decision making process.
Among the GT researchers M. Mangel and F. Samaniego, E.G. Rodrigues, D. Michel, J.S. Maximum,G.J. Mailath,, A. Dixit, B. Nalebuff, Nolan McCarty and Adam Meiowtitz provided lots of models and some explanation to game theory in political and economic studies.
Combination of strategical consideration of soft power wasn’t proposed in any schools of International Relations; there were no complex researches about this topic where would be reviewed soft power from GT point of view.
During the research was used bases of different state departments and statistical and theoretical materials.
The Methodology of research is a complex of theories, methods and approaches which allowed create a multi-level system of analysis and analytics of the process of developing and functioning of soft power mechanisms.
As a theoretical basis of the research were used constructivism in the theory of international relations. Constructivism makes it possible to consider international relations system as a construct which is created during the process of interaction.
For research were used such methods as system, quality and quantity, institutional, neo-institutional, comparative, historical, mathematical and game theory methods. The process of research of topic as well includes borrowed methods from other disciplines such as law and marketing. From law were taken imperative and dispositive methods, from marketing were taken cabinet method.
As well were used multi-disciplinary principles such as universalism, complex, system, connections, development and fundamentals of political science about international relations.
As a source base of research were used reports and statistics of state bureaus and organizations and non-state actors and mass media for creating a complex picture in social sphere during different spheres. In some cases, mass media can not only be the reporter of the specific situation but an indicator of social reaction for something which is happening and/or likely to happen.
Master thesis consist of introduction; three chapters; nine subchapters; conclusion; list of documentary and literature; and abbreviation list.

List of primary documents and literature
• Primary sources
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    Анна С. СФ ПГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова 2004, филологический, преподав...
    4.8 (9 отзывов)
    Преподаю англ язык более 10 лет, есть опыт работы в университете, школе и студии англ языка. Защитила кандидатскую диссертацию в 2009 году. Имею большой опыт написания... Читать все
    Преподаю англ язык более 10 лет, есть опыт работы в университете, школе и студии англ языка. Защитила кандидатскую диссертацию в 2009 году. Имею большой опыт написания и проверки (в качестве преподавателя) контрольных и курсовых работ.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    16 Выполненных работ
    Шиленок В. КГМУ 2017, Лечебный , выпускник
    5 (20 отзывов)
    Здравствуйте) Имею сертификат специалиста (врач-лечебник). На данный момент являюсь ординатором(терапия, кардио), одновременно работаю диагностом. Занимаюсь диссертац... Читать все
    Здравствуйте) Имею сертификат специалиста (врач-лечебник). На данный момент являюсь ординатором(терапия, кардио), одновременно работаю диагностом. Занимаюсь диссертационной работ. Помогу в медицинских науках и прикладных (хим,био,эколог)
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    13 Выполненных работ
    Яна К. ТюмГУ 2004, ГМУ, выпускник
    5 (8 отзывов)
    Помощь в написании магистерских диссертаций, курсовых, контрольных работ, рефератов, статей, повышение уникальности текста(ручной рерайт), качественно и в срок, в соот... Читать все
    Помощь в написании магистерских диссертаций, курсовых, контрольных работ, рефератов, статей, повышение уникальности текста(ручной рерайт), качественно и в срок, в соответствии с Вашими требованиями.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    12 Выполненных работ
    Кормчий В.
    4.3 (248 отзывов)
    Специализация: диссертации; дипломные и курсовые работы; научные статьи.
    Специализация: диссертации; дипломные и курсовые работы; научные статьи.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    335 Выполненных работ
    Логик Ф. кандидат наук, доцент
    4.9 (826 отзывов)
    Я - кандидат философских наук, доцент кафедры философии СГЮА. Занимаюсь написанием различного рода работ (научные статьи, курсовые, дипломные работы, магистерские дисс... Читать все
    Я - кандидат философских наук, доцент кафедры философии СГЮА. Занимаюсь написанием различного рода работ (научные статьи, курсовые, дипломные работы, магистерские диссертации, рефераты, контрольные) уже много лет. Качество работ гарантирую.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    1486 Выполненных работ

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