Политика двойных стандартов СМИ при освещении международных конфликтов (на примере Сирийского вопроса)
На сегодняшний день современные политические процессы практически невозможно представить без средств массовой информации. Как известно, взаимосвязь политики и средств массовой информации существует на протяжении долгого времени и влияние, которое они оказывают значительным образом отображается на международных отношениях. Каждое государство преследует собственные цели, а средства массовой информации оказывают им содействие в этом. В данном научном исследовании приведены основные факторы феномена распространения «двойные стандарты» и то, какое влияние он оказывает на политику в международных отношениях. На примере данной научной работы, можно увидеть, как интерпретация событий средствами массовой информации, которые следуют государственной политической направленности, на примере Сирийского конфликта, влиеют на отношения между странами. структуре международных отношений. Методология работы включает в себя: контент-анализ, исторический анализ, сравнительный анализ.
Теоретические рамки исследования сформированы на основе неореалистического подхода к изучению международных отношений.
В работе изучены основные понятия, проблемы и характеристики исполльзования средств массовой информации в международных отношениях, влияние сми Сирии, США и России на Сирийский конфликт. В ходе научного исследования также сформулированы аналитические выводы, прогнозы и рассуждения о потенциальном развитии поднятых в исследовании вопросов.
The modern political process is almost impossible to imagine without communication, which is carried out through the mass media. The relationship between politics and the mass media has been known for a long time, and their communication reflects in various forms and manifestations. The importance of the mass media becomes obvious if we take into account the fact that the means of the mass communication could also be attributed to the institutions of power. With the help of the mass media, the perception and interpretation of the most important phenomena and events taking place in the world.
Today, the problem of mass media is that it adheres to the position of the state, the opinion of its own publication, TV channel, radio or a certain media group. In this regard, the problem is expressed in the distortion of information and in the fact that the audience might not objectively know about a certain event. The information is provided to the public directly by the way that is beneficial to the government, a certain social group, or any third person who has a major influence in the world.
Informative – communicative techniques, which have influenced on the globalization of modern mass media and information itself, allowed to form a huge media system from the end of XX century. The processes themselves have changed the original idea of providing information to the society. Today, the mass media has become the main channel for socio-political and international influence. The process of informative – communicative influence between political actors could be considered as a specific level of the international system, which reflects the basic principles of the «soft power» – that means, that the influence, which includes not a direct cruel impact on the opponent, but more gentle impact, that is based on the similarity of beliefs that are trying to impose on the society and form a certain vision of values, images and attitudes.
Due to this technique, the mass media representatives have the opportunity to influence on the process of international relations, particularly conflicts. By covering the international events, they could as contribute to the aggravation of the conflict and bring it to the level of open confrontation between opponents, or to the other side, the mass media might soften the conflict and create conditions for achieving mutually beneficial conditions in resolving a tense situation. The ability of the mass media to cover the agenda and influence on the result of an international conflict explains the research interest on this issue for several decades. Therefore, this work is aimed to update the study of the reflection of cooperative and conflict interaction of actors in international relations in the global media space.
Taking into account the specifics of the mass media in international politics, it is necessary to underline the reflection of international conflicts in the global mass media system as a subject of research, which requires a combination of both theoretical and empirical methods of analysis.
Due to the theoretical analysis of communication between political parties, we can assume a certain sequence of actions and their regularity in the global mass media space. The empirical method allows us to detect this relationship among the sources of the media space. The method of formalization, or rather content monitoring, which is aimed at a systematic study to show the dynamics and specific characteristics of conflict and cooperative interaction of actors by analyzing a huge number of media information. The relevance of such research is significant due to the current demand of the virtualization of information in politics and development of the global mass media space.
In the modern political practice of the international relations, the usage of double standards has become clearly noticeable. Their manifestation can be seen in both as in the domestic as in the international politics. When there is an analyzes of a certain event, we are faced with the fact that the mass media data often contains different information details. Somewhere, it is presented more negatively or positively, or perhaps it is completely omitted. On the other hand, we might argue that the mass media itself presupposes a source of the double standards, thereby it is influence on public opinion and, moreover, manipulate it. Often, we could observe such phenomenon when the term double standards is used during political discussions, as well as in the media, in different combinations, but reflecting the similar ideas.
As was mentioned before, the relevance of this study is due to a number of factors of current interests. The first thing that needs to be taken into account is the wide spreading of the term «double standards», which covers the most important areas of public relations and has a strong impact on the relationship between actors in the world. It should be noted that the position of countries that accuse their opponents is related to the ideas of democracy, which currently prevail in the practice of international politics. Any actor that is not support this policy or making actions that break certain values will be accuse of double standards usage.
The next factor is the complexity, or rather the inability to break one of the objective reasons, which is the basis of the term double standards. The model itself that divides actors into right and wrong exists in each actor and that is why it has such strong influence on decisions, approaches and actions.
The third reason is the democratic function, which is reflected in the mass media itself. On the one hand, the main goal of the mass media is to act as an independent object, the main action of which is the transmission of information, which stands on the side of humanity and the mass media is a fighter for fundamental rights and freedoms, and on the other hand, more realistic way, where the mass media is a representative of political or guiding forces.
The fourth reason is the negative consequences that appeared after the practice of the double standards in the international arena, so when the mass media covers global problems, such as environmental problems, terrorism, ethnic conflicts, a depletion of resource and etc. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the world needs a universal way to solve these problems and international partners should consolidate to cope with it. In nowadays world, the mass media is a tool that tries to confront global problems and get a response from the public and international actors in solving particular problems, and on the other hand, some mass media carry a negative urge and spread these problems in the world.
One of the main factor is the lack of qualitative information of the problem of double standards, as in the foreign as in Russian studies and by this reason it should be stress the lack of comprehensive analysis of «double standards» in the mass media during the coverage of current issues, that would be in my work.
In last two decades, the term «double standards» has become very common in the mass media space, it presented on the pages of publications and in the speeches of politicians, public figures, etc. However, if you want to know more about the study of this subject, find its features that will be justified in the scientific literature, you may unsatisfactory results here. Scientific literature that would justify a phenomenon as double standards is not enough. However, we could find some scientific literature, which will allow us to detect this phenomenon, determine its essence and identify its characteristics. We may divide literature into two groups. In the first group, we may include scientific works that will reveal the history of the phenomenon, its background and causes. Here we could distinguish literature from such fields as philosophy, political science, social psychology, theory of state management. We would like to note that the philosophical and specialized encyclopedias that allow you to look at the phenomenon of double standards through the prism of such philosophical categories such as: «morality», «ethics», «truth», «common good». You could also get an explanation of the nature of the unknown reasons of the existence of this phenomenon, as the internal mechanisms of the individuals and subconscious attitudes that have been learned by the society, affect on it as a whole. This process includes works of social psychology and personaly theory. The specificity of double standards in the international relations is based on the work of political scientists, as from the western, as from the eastern countries. We may pay attention to such figures as Albrow M., Castells M., Giddens A., who studied the formation of the global media space and its influence on the society through different media tools. One of the main representative of this direction is Herman E.S., McChesney. In his wok «Global media: missionaries of global capitalism» is update the date about the issue of the mass media space formation. Scholar noted that exist a particular media model according to which, even in the most developed society, for division of authorities in the society is responsible the sector of the mass media due to economic factors. A great input is done by scholars as: N. Chomsky, A. I. Utkin, and M.Y. Mead, who in the works used the analysis of the geopolitical strategy of the West and mostly focusing the attention on the United States’ policy, where attention is concentrated on the question of human rights violation and great attention is paid to the policies that is used by the United States’ government and the interconnection between it and the mass media that is used in political processes.
Among domestic researchers, we could distinguish such works as: “Globalization of politics and the evolution of political systems: Global social and political problems in the world”, ” Globalization. Contours of the whole world”, “Internationalization and globalization of the mass media”, “Global news networks in the information market”, which are aimed at studying such a phenomenon as the globalization of mass media, together with the information society. These works make a significant contribution to the study of the phenomenon of double standards, explains its spread in the world and why this tool is so actively used by political figures.
The second group would include scientific works that will be directly used in the analysis of double standards in the information and communication process. The group should include works that is closely connected to communication theory, to political PR and communication, information wars, etc. Quite extensive research works on the topic of manipulations and its usage with double standards technologies presented in Gavra D. P., Kara-Murza S., Dozenko E.L.. For example, in the work of Gavra D. P., you might get information about the main principles of the theory of communication and its stages of development, and at the same time, in the work of Kara-Murza S. presents manipulation techniques that are used by the media when they cover certain events. This group also includes works that are aimed at studying the relationship between the political sphere and the sphere of mass communications, the role of journalists in the current democratic world and the special relationship between government and society, and the role of the mass media as an intermediary in this communication. It is possible to distinguish such works as «Mass media and political communication in new democracies» or «Mass media, government and the public», and of course, it is impossible not to mention the work of Sidorova V.A. and his work “The political structure of the mass media”.
The non-official division of scientific literature into 2 groups is due to the fact that for the theoretical base, there is not a lot of literature that is devoted to the topic of double standards. In this regard, the first group, as mentioned earlier, contains the literature of philosophical and political trends, and the second group covers more specific literature, that is related to the data and communication activities.
The problem of the research is the role of double standards in the mass media sphere and its influence on the modern world, because as we know, this term includes contradictory ideas. On the one hand, this phenomenon is very disapproving by public opinion, and on the other hand, they also use it as a mechanism that affects on the processes in the world. The object of research in this work is modern Western, Russian and Syrian mass media; materials of Western, Syrian and Russian magazines, electronic media channels and the data that is posted on official websites.
The goal of the study, which are set in this work would be viewed. The goal of this research is to identify the essence of the connection of the mass media and the double standards policy, its dissemination and its impact on the relationship between actors in the political process that is based on the analysis of information from Western, Russian and Syrian media. Based on the goal of the study, this paper presents the following tasks:
1. Identification of the nature of the emergence and impact of double standards on processes in the world.
2. Identify the relationship between double standards, media and political processes.
3. Study the relationship between political relations and the mass media and what role double standards play in their relations.
4. Identify the impact of the political mass media on international conflicts.
5. Make an analysis of the mass media sources to reflect the problems in the Eastern region (in particular Syria) and show how the usage of double standards through the mass media affect on the relations between countries in this region.
Since this topic is quite relevant, it should be indicate the time frame that will be shown in this work. The beginning of 2010, when the prerequisites of the Syrian issue start actively appear. This will allow us to make a full-fledged analysis of the media source and track changes in the broadcasting of information that have occurred over the years in various regions of the world through the mass media. Therefore, for the empirical analysis, this period was chosen directly, because many processes that occur at the moment and cover this period of time require earlier clarification of double standards and their influence on this conflict. The period would be viewed till 2020 and it would be given a prediction of the mass media actions on this issue in the future.
The scientific and practical significance of the work is that the work itself might be considered as an attempt to form a complete explanation of such phenomenon as double standards. To follow the changes in various spheres of political relations due to this phenomenon and try to systematize its characteristic features and methods that are inherent to it and to analyze the practice of double standards itself in the informative – communicative processes in order to get a first-hand idea of its usage in the mass media coverage of events and phenomena. It would also be based on the Syrian issue, where the practice of double standards is used and it is very relevant. This paper would present an analyze of various mass media sources in the West, Russia and Syria in the reason to identify it and make a conclusion about double standards impact on the international relationship between these countries in such conditions.
Draw your attention to the results that are obtained during the study. The theoretical and practical meaning might be useful for further scientific development of this phenomenon and its demonstration in the mass media in transmitting process of the events and their impact on the international conflicts between the countries that are involved. Also, the materials might be used for analytical articles and training materials, because in this work you may find are quite interesting examples that are related to various world mass media. It is shown how they display world events and what point of view they follow and how the information that they broadcast affects on the regulation or opposite influence on the international conflict’ situation. The analytical part of the work would be useful with practical significance of contemporary mass media practice. For example, the usage of such phenomenon as double standards that is connected to covering events during the Syrian issue allows us to assess the strength of the impact of information on the world community and how publications, presenting a different point of view, find a response from the society.
The structure of the scientific work is constructed in such way that it consists of an introduction, two chapters that contain three paragraphs, a conclusion and a bibliographic list of references.
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