Сетевой университет БРИКС как новый пример интернационализации

Рожко Кристина Николаевна
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Данная диссертация посвящена анализу проекта Сетевого Университета БРИКС (СУ БРИКС), который начинает свою работу в 2017-2018 гг. Цель этого исследования – доказать, что СУ БРИКС – это новый пример международного университета, который имеет больше плюсов, чем его предшественники, и отвечает на большее количество потребностей современного общества с точки зрения процесса интернационализации международного образования. Центральной проблемой данной работы является потребность современного общества в новом виде международного университета, который бы собрал в себе положительный опыт уже имеющихся международных университетов. Большое внимание уделяется вопросам глобализации и интернационализации международного обучения, анализу систем функционирования СУ БРИКС и роли России в деятельности СУ БРИКС и в международном обучении в целом. Был проведен анализ развития ряда международных университетов, таких как Университет ООН, Университет Арктики, глобальной программы ERASMUS+, которую можно расценивать как особую форму международного университета. Отдельно рассматривалось становление СУ БРИКС и его запуск в 2017-2018 гг. Были также выявлены признаки концепта международного университета. Наконец, были определены положительные стороны нового примера интернационализации международного обучения – СУ БРИКС и описаны предположительные недостатки и препятствия на пути его развития и работы.

The world is changing very fast because of uninterrupted desire of humankind to develop. In 1950s, it led to the creation of electronic computers with wide area networking which appeared in laboratories in the USA, the UK and France. Later the idea of open-architecture networking was first introduced in 1972. Nowadays we can say that the Internet, which appeared in 1960s in the USA, has revolutionized the computer and communication world like nothing before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of capabilities. It influenced heavily every sphere of social life and became wide – used in different economic and industrial fields. For example, with the advent of the Internet we can use up-date information and communication technology (ICT) in education. For this reason, distance education becomes more and more popular every year, especially, on the level of universities. The latest investigations of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University were published in the beginning of 2017. That year there were about 1,7 million students who attended online courses on Harvard or MIT basis.
“Over the next twenty years the demand for higher education is expected to grow exponentially, from the current 99 million students worldwide to 414 million by 2030, with China showing by far the highest increase in recent years followed by Brazil and India. The thirst for knowledge and social mobility in emerging economies will place higher education within the reach of hundreds of millions of citizens around the world.” It shows the importance and popularity of online education, so there are a lot of modern universities which try to keep up-to-date and to give education in more efficient way. Moreover, new network universities have just appeared to provide such a way of spreading of educational material. The idea of online education is the result of internationalization, which also is considered an uninterrupted and integral process of globalization. Even now, we can see that globalization and technological development are completely changing the landscape of higher education.
In our work, we will describe the concept of network universities giving examples such as the UN University, University of the Arctic, BRICS Network University (BRISC NU). In addition, we will describe principles of internationalization in education; its interaction with globalization; possible obstacles for network university development; the role of Russia in BRICS Network University.
Dr. Hans de Wit who is the Director of the Centre for International Higher Education (CIHE) at the Lynch School of Education, Boston College, USA, said in his interview to the Pie News: “Communication is much faster but I think the most important is collaborative online international learning”. The topic is very relevant and hot – discussed because of two main reasons. Firstly, the latest generation is called digital one due to their way of perception of information from methodological point of view. The Internet and high technology gadgets make new generations more flexible and we are accustomed to quickly changeable information, therefore it influences to our memory in a bad way. Moreover, new generation students require more interactive methods of teaching them, and network education succeeds in it. Secondly, as we have already mentioned, in the world where information becomes irrelevant with velocity of light, it is necessary to change a lot of aspects of our life, and one of them is the way of giving education.
The subject of the thesis is internationalization of higher education. The object of the study is potential functioning of the BRICS Network University in framework of internationalization of higher education.
The aim of the thesis is to define the main benefits and disadvantages of international university on the basis of analysis of BRICS NU activity. It is important because many organizations currently are waiting for the first results of the work process.
To achieve this aim we should follow the certain logical chain and to solve following tasks:
• to describe the concept of globalization in general and in higher education;
• to describe principles of internationalization in general and its principles in higher education;
• to analyse the literature and documents on globalization, internationalization and localization in higher education, the concept of international universities, BRICS;
• to investigate development of BRICS NU, to understand the principles of its future work and to guess future possible development;
To broaden knowledge about these themes, we used various methods such as comparative analysis of different network universities, comparative analysis of BRICS member potential in higher education. In addition, we made literature analysis and analysis of BRICS documents, especially those to establish BRICS NU.
Literature covers the topics of globalization, internationalization and sometimes localization, we met enough books and articles and did not feel the lack of information during the research. The first group of books can be dated by 1980-2000; next one is mainly of 2002, 2004, and 2008. The most part of books is devoted to globalization and internationalization processes in the USA and as a result all over the world. It is evident because everybody considers that it was America, which accelerates globalization heavily. Another reason is that American scientists pay more attention to the process of globalization than researchers of other countries do.
In addition, we found quite enough books and articles of recent years, such as “Internationalization and Globalization in Higher Education” by Douglas E. Mitchell and Selin Yildiz Nielsen, 2012; the article “Internationalization of Higher Education: Potential Benefits and Costs” by T. Jibeen, M.A. Khan, 2015; the study of the European Parliament “Internationalization of Higher Education” by Hans de Wit, as well as his other articles, also of R. Sakomoto, D. Chapman, 2011, S. Vivien, 2012.
These works seem more profound than others do; they are up-date and take into account recent events and current situation in the world. We would like to emphasize the works of Hans de Wit who is a Dutch international specialist of higher education and he is distinguished for his leading scholarly work in Internationalization of Higher Education. As we mentioned earlier, currently he is working at the Lynch School of Education of the Boston College, USA. He came to the Lynch School from the Universita Cattolica Sacro Coure in Milan, Italy, where he has served as the Founding Director of the Centre for Higher Education Internationalisation (CHIE). We use several works of him in our research work. Also articles of Jane Knight, Visiting Scholar at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan (2015).
While working on the thesis we used update materials of the specialized websites of the BRICS, namely of the BRICS NU, the Arctic University, the United Nations University, University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Erasmus Programme, the Ural Federal University and the High School of Economics, Top Universities rankings and the others.
In the work, we found quite useful information from different periodicals (Western and Russian) such as The Guardian, BBC and RIA News.
This thesis consists of introduction, three parts, conclusion and references. The first part has two chapters about main principles of internationalization as a part of globalization (chapter 1.1) and about the concept of international university and its examples (chapter 1.2). The second part is about the system of BRICS NU (chapter 2.1) and its influence on globalization (chapter 2.2). The third part is about the role of Russia in BRICS NU (chapter 3.1) and the possible future development and its implementation as a new model of the educational process (chapter 3.1). Every chapter is devoted to solving different aims of the work and has results.

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    55 Выполненных работ
    Родион М. БГУ, выпускник
    4.6 (71 отзыв)
    Высшее экономическое образование. Мои клиенты успешно защищают дипломы и диссертации в МГУ, ВШЭ, РАНХиГС, а также других топовых университетах России.
    Высшее экономическое образование. Мои клиенты успешно защищают дипломы и диссертации в МГУ, ВШЭ, РАНХиГС, а также других топовых университетах России.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    108 Выполненных работ
    Дарья Б. МГУ 2017, Журналистики, выпускник
    4.9 (35 отзывов)
    Привет! Меня зовут Даша, я окончила журфак МГУ с красным дипломом, защитила магистерскую диссертацию на филфаке. Работала журналистом, PR-менеджером в международных ко... Читать все
    Привет! Меня зовут Даша, я окончила журфак МГУ с красным дипломом, защитила магистерскую диссертацию на филфаке. Работала журналистом, PR-менеджером в международных компаниях, сейчас работаю редактором. Готова помогать вам с учёбой!
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    50 Выполненных работ
    Дарья П. кандидат наук, доцент
    4.9 (20 отзывов)
    Профессиональный журналист, филолог со стажем более 10 лет. Имею профильную диссертацию по специализации "Радиовещание". Подробно и серьезно разрабатываю темы научных... Читать все
    Профессиональный журналист, филолог со стажем более 10 лет. Имею профильную диссертацию по специализации "Радиовещание". Подробно и серьезно разрабатываю темы научных исследований, связанных с журналистикой, филологией и литературой
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    33 Выполненных работы
    Дмитрий К. преподаватель, кандидат наук
    5 (1241 отзыв)
    Окончил КазГУ с красным дипломом в 1985 г., после окончания работал в Институте Ядерной Физики, защитил кандидатскую диссертацию в 1991 г. Работы для студентов выполня... Читать все
    Окончил КазГУ с красным дипломом в 1985 г., после окончания работал в Институте Ядерной Физики, защитил кандидатскую диссертацию в 1991 г. Работы для студентов выполняю уже 30 лет.
    #Кандидатские #Магистерские
    2271 Выполненная работа

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