Торговая война США-Китай и ее последствия для самих стран и для мировой экономики
Выпускная квалификационная работа раскрывает вопросы, которые напрямую связаны с торговой войной между США и Китаем. Торговая война стала центральным событием в международной торговле, изучение данной тематики является актуальным на сегодняшний момент. Влияние торговой войны на мировую экономику и на две крупнейшие экономики мира ведёт к различным экономическим последствиям, переориентации торговли, снижению роста ВВП, инвестиций, увеличению экономической неопределённости и рисков. Цель работы заключается в создании прогноза развития торговой войны с учетом причин её возникновения и её экономическое влияние. Основные задачи исследования состоят в том, чтобы изучить причины возникновения торговой войны, влияния вступления Китая в ВТО, рассмотреть текущую ситуацию в торговой войны и предложить сценарии её развития. Информационную базу исследования составили официальные данные государственной статистики, данные научных сборников, отчеты ЮНКТАД, публикации в научных журналах.
В работе использовано 78 источников.
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
CHAPTER 1. ANALYSIS OF BILATERAL TRADE BETWEEN CHINA AND USA ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
1.1 Theoretical background ………………………………………………………………………… 6
1.2 Overview of countries’ trade profiles ………………………………………………………. 14
1.3 The trade policy between USA and China……………………………………………….. 17
2.1 The history of bilateral investment between USA and China …………………… 24
2.2 Investments to China after its joining to the WTO ………………………………….. 34
3.1 US waves of action against China? ………………………………………………………….. 43
3.2 The influence of Trade War on world economy and international trading system …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 55
Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 69
The deep roots of Chinese economic development and further expanding of Chi- nese firms abroad provided the intensified trade between United States and China. The higher the value of trade – the more economies of countries become interdependent. However, with the new American president the relationship between countries deteri- orated. The intentions to decrease the trade imbalance between China and USA lead to a trade war. Both countries throughout last decades were not in the conflict situation, specifically with regard to the trading, investment and economic issues. Both countries represent today two biggest economies that are in a competition for the world leader- ship. Thus, the investment flows with their specificity and significance as a result of trade war should be on in-depth analysis. For now, the problem hasn’t been thoroughly analyzed.
One of the major roots of the trade war is the role of foreign direct investments between countries. The attraction of foreign direct investments was an important part of the whole economic policy of China. From the beginning of Chinese “Open Door Policy” this issue has passed through several stages, from the position of supporting economic development, modernization and transformation to the country’s economic power and engine. The big role in the FDIs played American companies which estab- lished their production facilities in China, increasing and adding to the economy and thus to the trade imbalance between countries. Foreign-invested enterprises and state- owned enterprises activities created a basis of the expanding of Chinese economic in- terests and sustainable development. It should be underlined also that such activity fur- ther on influenced positively on Chinese trade policy both on the increase of the amount of export and import, and on the modernization of Chinese industry.
The increase of interdependency between countries before the presidency of Donald Trump come amid sharp and rapid increase and development of Chinese econ- omy and its standing as a first economy by size.
The increase of cooperation and integration between countries would not be pos- sible without China’s Accession to the World Trade Organization. The overall decrease in tariffs rates and the opportunities to get access to all features of membership had a
significant impact on the development of relationships between countries and thus was one of the steps of Chinese rising.
The actions of United States are guided by economic stability. It is always at the center of both economic and trade policy. When it comes to a decision-making politi- cians look at economic situation and more particularly at factors that can threat the economic stability. Thus, if we look at the situation from the perspective of domestic policymakers, such factors could possibly create instability which generates the desire to resort protectionist measures.
Research goal: to provide scenarios concerning future development of the trade war between China and United States analyzing economic impact on the world econ- omy and economies of the countries.
Research objectives:
To discover detailed the progress of the trade war development;
To determine the key significance of China’s Accession to the WTO for the trade war;
To discover modern patterns of investment flows and influencing factors;
To conduct retrospective analysis of the trade development between countries; To reveal the features of Chinese “Go out policy” and its impact on the trade
To provide the forecast of the trade war development.
Object of the study: economic and trade policies of China and the United States Subject of the study: interrelation between trade war instruments of countries
and their economic impacts
Scientific novelty of the research
This research is a detailed study of economic relationships between United States and China which led to the trade war taking into account historical and recent changes in bilateral investment process and trade policy of the United States. The study is ac- companied by an assessment of the results not only of the historical aspects and roots
of the trade war but also of the last steps taken by countries in this trade war. It provides an analysis of possible outcomes taken in a classis scenarios approach.
Research structure
This paper is organized into tree chapters. Following the Introduction, in Chapter 1 we look at the suitable theory, the structure of the trade and trade policies between countries. Chapter 2 is devoted to the investment process between countries, its struc- ture and impact on the trade war. In Chapter 3 we look at the trade war, involving the beginning of the war, countries’ retaliations, possible outcome depending on hypothe- ses stated. The main problem concerned about Trump’s “Make America Great Again” policy which leads to increase in protectionism of the countries and weakening of in- ternational institution, it can cause additional restriction not only on the analysis of the trade war and American policy.

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